Onderzoek naar de herkomst van gesignaleerde hoge CS2 gehaltes van monsters rivierwater uit de Drentsche Aa en daaruit bereid drinkwater, genomen door milieulaboratorium de Punt in de periode 12-14 April 1989
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Journal Issue
Onderzoek naar de herkomst van gesignaleerde hoge CS2 gehaltes van monsters rivierwater uit de Drentsche Aa en daaruit bereid drinkwater, genomen door milieulaboratorium de Punt in de periode 12-14 April 1989
Translated Title
Investigation to the origin of signalated CSs in samples river water from the Drentsche Aa and out of that prepared drinking water taken by the environmental laboratory de Punt in the period 12-14 April 1989
Published in
Some problems arose with respect to a suspected contamination with CS2 forming pesticides (dithiocarbamates) of water from the river Drentsche Aa and drinking-water prepared from this source in the period from april 12 to 14 1989. A team of analytical experts from KIWA (Nieuwegein, The Netherlands) and RIVM investigated the analytical procedure as was followed by the laboratoryu of the drinking-water company. On the bases of an evaluation and a visit of the investigating scientists it was concluded that: 1) The drinking-water delivered in the period from 12-14 april 1990 by GWG was free of dithiocarbamates. 2) The levels of CS2 found in the samples were inflicted by the rubber septa used on the sample bottles.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM