Surveillance van HIV-infectie onder injecterende druggebruikers in Nederland: meting Eindhoven/Helmond/'s Hertogenbosch 1999
Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Surveillance van HIV-infectie onder injecterende
druggebruikers in Nederland: meting Eindhoven/Helmond/'s Hertogenbosch
Translated Title
Surveillance of HIV-infection among injecting drug
users in the Netherlands; results Eindhoven/Helmond/'s Hertogenbosch
Published in
Tussen 3 maart en 15 april 1999 werden bij 132 IDs
(Infecterende Druggebruikers) uit Eindhoven, Helmond en 's Hertogenbosch een
speekselmonster en een vragenlijst naar risicogedrag afgenomen. De
deelnemers werden geworven via de methadonverstrekking in de drie steden.
Van de 130 IDs waren zes deelnemers HIV-positief (prevalentie 4,6%; 95%
betrouwbaarheidsinterval 1,7 - 9,7). Van de 85 actuele spuiters had 17% in
de laatste zes maanden een gebruikte spuit of naald van een ander geleend,
vergelijkbaar met metingen in andere steden. Vierentwintig procent had een
spuit of naald uitgeleend, relatief veel vergeleken met andere metingen.
Spuitattributen (gebruikt watje, lepel, filter of spoelwater) werden door
47% gedeeld. 37% van de IDs had in de laatste zes maanden een vaste
seksuele partner gehad. Bij 19% van deze IDs was dat geen druggebruiker,
bij 17% een niet-injecterende druggebruiker. Met de vaste seksuele partner
werd in 88% van de contacten niet altijd een condoom gebruikt. Met losse
partners en met klanten werden vaker condooms gebruikt (niet altijd condooms
gebruikt: 61%, resp. 17%). De prevalentie van HIV onder IDs in Eindhoven,
Helmond en 's Hertogenbosch is 5%. Het lenen van gebruikte spuiten/naalden
is vergelijkbaar met de metingen in de andere steden, het uitlenen is meer
dan in andere steden.Het condoomgebruik in vaste seksuele contacten is laag
en vergelijkbaar met dat in de metingen in de andere steden. Door de lage
HIV-prevalentie wordt het risico op verspreiding van HIV naar niet-IDs of de
rest van de algemene bevolking laag ingeschat.
To assess the prevalence of HIV among injecting drug users (IDUs) in three cities in the Netherlands (Eindhoven, Helmond and 's-Hertogenbosch). To evaluate the risk of further spread of HIV among IDUs, to non-IDUs and to the general population.Between March 3 and April 15, 1999 a saliva specimen and a completed questionnaire on risk behaviour were collected from 132 IDUs in Eindhoven, Helmond and 's-Hertogenbosch. Participation was on a voluntary basis and anonymous. Participants were recruited via methadone care services.Of the 130 IDUs, six persons were infected with HIV (prevalence 4.6%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.7 - 9.8%).Of the 85 current injectors, 17% had borrowed used syringes or needles in the previous six months, this level is similar to most of other cities studied in the Netherlands. Condom use was very low during sexual contact between steady partners (88% not always using a condom);18% of the IDUs had a non-drug user as a steady sexual partner. The prevalence of HIV among IDUs in Eindhoven, Helmond and 's-Hertogenbosch in the Netherlands is approximately 5%. The number of IDUs showing injecting risk behaviour is concluded to be similar to most of the other cities already studied in the Netherlands. Sexual risk behaviour occurs regularly and is comparable to that in the other cities. The risk of further spread of HIV among IDUs is low. At this low level of HIV prevalence, the risk of spread to non-IDUs or the general population is also low.
To assess the prevalence of HIV among injecting drug users (IDUs) in three cities in the Netherlands (Eindhoven, Helmond and 's-Hertogenbosch). To evaluate the risk of further spread of HIV among IDUs, to non-IDUs and to the general population.Between March 3 and April 15, 1999 a saliva specimen and a completed questionnaire on risk behaviour were collected from 132 IDUs in Eindhoven, Helmond and 's-Hertogenbosch. Participation was on a voluntary basis and anonymous. Participants were recruited via methadone care services.Of the 130 IDUs, six persons were infected with HIV (prevalence 4.6%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.7 - 9.8%).Of the 85 current injectors, 17% had borrowed used syringes or needles in the previous six months, this level is similar to most of other cities studied in the Netherlands. Condom use was very low during sexual contact between steady partners (88% not always using a condom);18% of the IDUs had a non-drug user as a steady sexual partner. The prevalence of HIV among IDUs in Eindhoven, Helmond and 's-Hertogenbosch in the Netherlands is approximately 5%. The number of IDUs showing injecting risk behaviour is concluded to be similar to most of the other cities already studied in the Netherlands. Sexual risk behaviour occurs regularly and is comparable to that in the other cities. The risk of further spread of HIV among IDUs is low. At this low level of HIV prevalence, the risk of spread to non-IDUs or the general population is also low.
GGD Eindhoven
GGD Helmond
GGD 's Hertogenbosch
GGD Helmond
GGD 's Hertogenbosch