Hexavalent chromium in ambient air in the Netherlands. Results of measurements near wood preservation plants and at a regional site
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Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Hexavalent chromium in ambient air in the Netherlands. Results of measurements near wood preservation plants and at a regional site
Translated Title
Zeswaardig chroom in de buitenlucht in Nederland. Resultaten van metingen bij houtverduurzamingsbedrijven en op een achtergrondlocatie
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Concentraties van Cr(VI) in buitenlucht zijn gemeten door lucht te bemonsteren met vier parallelle impinger-denuder systemen. De impingers bevatten een alkalische bufferoplossing om Cr(VI) af te vangen. Na monstername werd Cr(VI) in de oplossingen bepaald met grafietoven atoom absorptie spectrometrie na complexering in een organisch oplosmiddel en fasescheiding. Mogelijke omzetting van Cr(III) in Cr(VI) of andersom werd gecontroleerd door aan twee van de vier impingeroplossingen vooraf een hoeveelheid Cr(III) resp. Cr(VI) toe te voegen. De detectielimiet was 0,1 ng m exp. -3 bij 24 uur monstername. Het verschil tussen duplo meetwaarden was gemiddeld 10%. De aanzuigefficiency voor inadembare deeltjes werd bepaald met behulp van gegenereerd aerosol. Met de systemen zijn Cr(VI) concentraties gemeten bij drie houtverduurzamingsbedrijven en op een achtergrondlocatie. Nabij de bronnen varieerden de Cr(VI) concentraties van 0,02 tot 4 mug m exp. -3, terwijl op de terreingrens van de bedrijven piekwaarden voorkwamen van ten hoogste 20 ng m exp. -3. De daggemiddelde Cr(VI) concentraties op de achtergrondlocatie lagen vrijwel alle beneden de detectielimiet van 0,1 ng m exp. -3. Uit de meetresultaten werd afgeleid dat in het algemeen de Maximaal Toelaatbare Risico concentratie voor Cr(VI) in Nederland (2,5 ng m exp. -3) waarschijnlijk niet wordt overschreden. Ook werd gemeten dat de verhouding Cr(VI) ten opzichte van totaal Cr, behalve nabij bronnen, ten hoogste 5% is.<br>
Cr(VI) concentrations in ambient air have been measured using four parallel systems. Cr(VI) in the sampled air was captured in the impingers filled with an alkaline solution. After sampling, Cr(VI) in the solutions was analysed with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy after complexing in an organic solvent and phase separation. A small amount of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) was added to two of the four impinger solutions to check for possible equilibrium shifts between Cr(III) and Cr(VI) during and after sampling. The detection limit was 0.1 ng m exp. -3 for 24 h sampling. Results of duplicate measurements differed by 10% (average). The efficiency of the systems for sampling inhalable particles was determined using generated aerosol. Cr(VI) concentrations were measured near three wood preservation plants and at a background site. The Cr(VI) concentrations near the sources were 0.02 to 4 mug m exp. -3, while at the enclosure borders of the plants Cr(VI) levels did not exceed 20 ng m exp. -3. Daily average Cr(VI) concentrations at the background site were generally below the detection limit of 0.1 ng m exp. -3. From the results of the study it was concluded that the maximum permissible risk concentration of Cr(VI) in the Netherlands (2.5 ng m exp. -3) is probably not exceeded. Further, the ratio of Cr(VI) to total Cr was determined to be at most 5%, except near sources.<br>
Cr(VI) concentrations in ambient air have been measured using four parallel systems. Cr(VI) in the sampled air was captured in the impingers filled with an alkaline solution. After sampling, Cr(VI) in the solutions was analysed with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy after complexing in an organic solvent and phase separation. A small amount of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) was added to two of the four impinger solutions to check for possible equilibrium shifts between Cr(III) and Cr(VI) during and after sampling. The detection limit was 0.1 ng m exp. -3 for 24 h sampling. Results of duplicate measurements differed by 10% (average). The efficiency of the systems for sampling inhalable particles was determined using generated aerosol. Cr(VI) concentrations were measured near three wood preservation plants and at a background site. The Cr(VI) concentrations near the sources were 0.02 to 4 mug m exp. -3, while at the enclosure borders of the plants Cr(VI) levels did not exceed 20 ng m exp. -3. Daily average Cr(VI) concentrations at the background site were generally below the detection limit of 0.1 ng m exp. -3. From the results of the study it was concluded that the maximum permissible risk concentration of Cr(VI) in the Netherlands (2.5 ng m exp. -3) is probably not exceeded. Further, the ratio of Cr(VI) to total Cr was determined to be at most 5%, except near sources.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM