Doorrekening impact Nationaal Preventieakkoord: deelakkoord overgewicht. Worden de ambities voor 2040 bereikt?
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2023-0415
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Doorrekening impact Nationaal Preventieakkoord: deelakkoord overgewicht. Worden de ambities voor 2040 bereikt?
Translated Title
Calculating the impact of the National Prevention Agreement – subagreement on problematic alcohol use. Will the 2040 ambitions be reached?
Published in
De Nederlandse overheid wil dat er minder mensen roken, overgewicht hebben of te veel alcohol drinken. Om dat te bereiken is in 2018 het Nationaal Preventieakkoord afgesloten met doelen voor 2040. Hiervoor heeft de overheid met meer dan zeventig partijen afspraken gemaakt. Het RIVM heeft berekend of de doelen in 2040 worden gehaald met de afspraken zoals ze nu worden uitgevoerd. Het RIVM heeft daarvoor berekend hoe de situatie in 2040 zal zijn met én zonder afspraken.
Uit de berekening blijkt dat de doelen voor problematisch drinken met de afspraken niet worden gehaald. Het aantal problematische drinkers zal nauwelijks dalen. Van veel van de afspraken in het NPA zoals ze nu worden uitgevoerd, is weinig effect te verwachten.
Het doel is dat het aantal volwassenen dat problematisch drinkt vijf procent is in 2040. Het aantal jongeren dat zegt de afgelopen maand gedronken te hebben moet naar 15 procent. Extra en stevigere maatregelen zijn nodig om deze doelen te bereiken. Dit zijn bijvoorbeeld maatregelen om alcoholhoudende dranken duurder te maken, alcoholhoudende dranken minder beschikbaar te maken en reclame voor alcoholhoudende dranken te beperken.
The Dutch government wants to reduce the number of people who smoke, are overweight or consume excessive amounts of alcohol. To this end, the National Prevention Agreement was drawn up in 2018, with goals for 2040. In this context, the government made agreements with over 70 different parties. RIVM has calculated whether the agreements, as they are currently being implemented, will be enough to reach the goals for 2040. It has calculated what the situation will look like in 2040 both with and without agreements. The calculations show that the agreements will not result in the goals on problematic drinking being met. There will hardly be any decrease in the number of people who drink problematically. Many of the agreements in the NPA, as they are currently being implemented, are expected to have little effect. The goal for 2040 is to reduce the percentage of adults who drink problematically to 5 per cent and to reduce the percentage of young people who say they drank alcohol in the past month to 15 per cent. More and stricter measures will be necessary to meet these goals. Examples of such measures include making alcoholic drinks more expensive and less easily available and limiting advertising for alcoholic drinks.
The Dutch government wants to reduce the number of people who smoke, are overweight or consume excessive amounts of alcohol. To this end, the National Prevention Agreement was drawn up in 2018, with goals for 2040. In this context, the government made agreements with over 70 different parties. RIVM has calculated whether the agreements, as they are currently being implemented, will be enough to reach the goals for 2040. It has calculated what the situation will look like in 2040 both with and without agreements. The calculations show that the agreements will not result in the goals on problematic drinking being met. There will hardly be any decrease in the number of people who drink problematically. Many of the agreements in the NPA, as they are currently being implemented, are expected to have little effect. The goal for 2040 is to reduce the percentage of adults who drink problematically to 5 per cent and to reduce the percentage of young people who say they drank alcohol in the past month to 15 per cent. More and stricter measures will be necessary to meet these goals. Examples of such measures include making alcoholic drinks more expensive and less easily available and limiting advertising for alcoholic drinks.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM