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The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries is preparing the Second structure plan for the rural areas. One of the policy topics to address is the need of greenbelts in the urban fringe to provide recreational facilities for the urban population. Several organisations have indicated that these recreational facilities are inadequate. For this reason the Ministry considers to adapt the task for greenbelts in the urban fringe of the First Structure plan for the rural areas. The Nature Policy Assessment Office was asked to evaluate the need for recreational facilities in the urban fringe. This report evaluates a proposal to develop 60000 hectares new forests, hedges, line plantings and public paths within 10 kilometre from the urban fringe. This proposal is based on a method to compare the demand for recreational activities with the actual recreational capacity. The demand was calculated for each residential area as the capacity for the whole area within 10 kilometre from that residential area. This 10-kilometre radius is chosen as it corresponds with the length of a normal short bicycle trip or walking tour starting at home.The evaluation of the proposal and the underlying methodology starts with a description of the assumptions and restrictions of the proposal. Next the calculation and comparison of demands and recreation capacity is analysed. There are two uncertain parameters in the calculation with a considerable impact on results: the estimation of the recreational capacity of agricultural land and the radius of the area considered. Both parameters were tested on their sensitivity. It is concluded that the method to compare the demands with recreational capacity is adequate to estimate a task for greenbelts in the urban fringe. Two adaptations however are necessary: The method improves when a 5-km radius is considered in stead of 10-km. This 5-km radius fits better with the actual behaviour of people. The future task for greenbelts in the urban fringes should be presented as a range of values in stead of one value. This range indicates the uncertainty in assessing the recreational capacity of agricultural land.Depending on the policy restrictions chosen the deficit of greenbelts in the urban fringe ranges from 20 000 to 120 000 hectares.
Naast de jaarlijkse Natuurbalansen en de vierjaarlijkse Natuurverkenningen van het Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau is er een toenemende behoefte aan tussentijdse adviezen over actuele beleidsthema's. Een van die thema's is groen in en om de stad. Het Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij wil een goed onderbouwde taakstelling voor dit beleidsthema in het Tweede structuurschema groene ruimte opnemen. Daarom heeft het Ministerie aan het Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau gevraagd om de vraag en het aanbod van groen in en om de stad te beoordelen. Dit rapport is een achtergronddocument bij het briefadvies "Groen in en om de stad" van het Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau aan het Ministerie. Het geeft een beoordeling van de onderbouwing van een voorstel van de ANWB om 60000 ha bos, kleine landschapselementen en paden aan te leggen binnen 10 kilometer van de bebouwde kom.