Surveillance van HIV-infectie onder intraveneuze druggebruikers in Nederland ; meting Utrecht 1996
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Surveillance van HIV-infectie onder intraveneuze druggebruikers in Nederland ; meting Utrecht 1996
Translated Title
Surveillance of HIV-infection among intravenous drug users in the Netherlands ; results Utrecht 1996
Published in
In dit project wordt de prevalentie van HIV onder intraveneuze druggebruikers (IVD's) in Utrecht vastegesteld en wordt het risico ingeschat van verdere verspreiding onder IVD's, naar niet-IVD's en naar de algemene bevolking. Tussen 11 maart en 19 april 1996 is bij 196 IVD's in Utrecht een speekselmonster en een korte vragenlijst naar risicogedrag afgenomen. Deelnemers werden geworven via de methadonverstrekking (53%), een huiskamerproject (41%) en via straatwerving (5%). Van de 196 IVDs waren 10 seropositief (prevalentie 5%, 95%-betrouwbaarheidsinterval [BI] 2.4-9.4%). Het bereik van de spuitomruil was groot (84%). Onder IVDs die geen gebruik maken van de spuitomruil was de prevalentie hoger (3/19) dan onder hen die wel van de omruil gebruik maakten (3/99). 17% van de actueel spuitende IVDs rapporteerde in de laatste 6 maanden een spuit of naald van een ander te hebben gebruikt. 18% van de IVDs hebben een niet-druggebruiker als vaste seksuele partner. Bij seksueel contact tussen vaste partners werd weinig gebruik gemaakt van condooms.Concluderend is de prevalentie van HIV onder IVDs in Utrecht ongeveer 5%. Het bereik van de spuitomruil is hoog, maar een hoger bereik kan waarschijnlijk nog steeds infecties voorkomen. Spuitgerelateerd risicogedrag komt regelmatig voor. Verspreiding naar niet-IVDs of de algemene bevolking is in beperkte mate mogelijk.<br>
In this study the spread of HIV among intravenous drug users (IDU) in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and the risk of further spread among IDU, to non-IDU and to the general population is assessed. Between 11 March and 19 April 1996 a saliva specimen and a short questionnaire on risk behaviour were obtained from 196 IDU in Utrecht. Participants were recruited through methadone care (53%), a daytime care project (41%) and a street prostitution project (5%). Of the 196 IDU, 10 were infected (prevalence 5%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.4-9.4%). Needle and syringe exchange programmes had a high coverage among currently injecting IDU (84%). IDU not participating in needle exchange programmes were infected more often: 3/19 as compared 3/99. 17% of the currently injecting IDU reported borrowing a used syringe or needle in the last six months. 18% of the IDU have a non-drug user as steady sexual partner. Condom use was low during sexual contact between steady partners. In conclusion, the prevalence of HIV among IDU in Utrecht was about 5%. The needle and syringe exchange programmes have good coverage, but a higher coverage could probably prevent more infections. Injecting risk behaviour occurs regularly. Spread to non-IDU or to the general population is possible on a limited scale.<br>
In this study the spread of HIV among intravenous drug users (IDU) in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and the risk of further spread among IDU, to non-IDU and to the general population is assessed. Between 11 March and 19 April 1996 a saliva specimen and a short questionnaire on risk behaviour were obtained from 196 IDU in Utrecht. Participants were recruited through methadone care (53%), a daytime care project (41%) and a street prostitution project (5%). Of the 196 IDU, 10 were infected (prevalence 5%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.4-9.4%). Needle and syringe exchange programmes had a high coverage among currently injecting IDU (84%). IDU not participating in needle exchange programmes were infected more often: 3/19 as compared 3/99. 17% of the currently injecting IDU reported borrowing a used syringe or needle in the last six months. 18% of the IDU have a non-drug user as steady sexual partner. Condom use was low during sexual contact between steady partners. In conclusion, the prevalence of HIV among IDU in Utrecht was about 5%. The needle and syringe exchange programmes have good coverage, but a higher coverage could probably prevent more infections. Injecting risk behaviour occurs regularly. Spread to non-IDU or to the general population is possible on a limited scale.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
Gemeentelijke Geneeskundige en Gezondheidsdienst Utrecht (GG&GD); Centrum Maliebaan Utrecht
Gemeentelijke Geneeskundige en Gezondheidsdienst Utrecht (GG&GD); Centrum Maliebaan Utrecht