Grootschalige concentratie- en depositiekaarten Nederland : Rapportage 2019
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2019-0091
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Grootschalige concentratie- en depositiekaarten Nederland : Rapportage 2019
Translated Title
Large-scale concentration and deposition maps of the Netherlands : 2019 report
Published in
Het RIVM geeft elk jaar de concentraties in de lucht in Nederland op kaarten weer, onder andere van stikstofdioxide en fijnstof. Ook wordt op kaarten aangegeven in welke mate stikstof op de bodem neerslaat. In dit rapport gaat het om de situatie in 2018. Daarnaast zijn berekeningen voor de verwachte concentraties en deposities van deze stoffen gemaakt voor 2020, 2025 en 2030.
Deze GCN-kaarten worden onder andere gebruikt voor een programma om de luchtkwaliteit in Nederland te verbeteren (Nationaal Samenwerkingsprogramma Luchtkwaliteit; NSL). De kaarten worden ook gebruikt bij de berekening van de effecten van ruimtelijke plannen op de concentraties vervuilende stoffen in de lucht.
Stikstofdioxide- en fijnstofconcentraties in de lucht
De gemeten concentraties stikstofdioxide (NO2) in de lucht zijn in 2018 gemiddeld iets lager dan in 2017. Voor 2020 worden de concentraties enkele microgrammen hoger ingeschat dan vorig jaar. Dat komt vooral door tegenvallers in de verkeersemissies.
De gemeten concentraties fijnstof (PM10 en PM2,5) waren in 2018 iets hoger dan in 2017. De inschattingen voor 2020 en 2030 zijn iets lager dan de inschattingen van vorig jaar.
Hogere ammoniak
De gemeten concentraties ammoniak (NH3) in de lucht zijn in 2018 veel hoger dan in 2017. Vooral het extreem warme, zonnige en zeer droge weer is hiervan de oorzaak. Ammoniak is een component van stikstof. Als te veel ammoniak op de bodem neerslaat, is dat schadelijk voor de natuur (biodiversiteit). Door de hogere concentraties in de lucht was er meer ammoniak beschikbaar om op de bodem neer te slaan. Naast ammoniak zijn de stikstofoxiden een ander onderdeel van de stikstofdepositie. De depositie van stikstofoxiden daalde.
De uitstoot van ammoniak is licht gestegen ten opzichte van de voorgaande jaren (2012-2016).
Het RIVM maakt de GCN-kaarten in opdracht van het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat (IenW).
RIVM prepares annual maps of concentrations in the air in the Netherlands, including concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter. Maps are also made showing how much nitrogen is deposited on the soil. The 2019 report deals with the situation in 2018. In addition, calculations were also made of the concentrations of these substances to be expected in 2020, 2025, and 2030. These GCN (average concentration) maps are used, inter alia, for a programme aimed at improving the air quality in the Netherlands (National Air Quality Cooperation Program: NSL). This makes it possible, for example, to evaluate the effects of spatial plans on the concentrations of polluting substances in the air. Concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter in the air The concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) measured in the air in 2018 were slightly lower than in 2017. The prognoses for the concentrations in 2020 are a few micrograms higher than in 2017. This is due primarily to setbacks in the traffic emissions. The concentrations of particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) measured in 2018 were slightly higher than in 2017. The prognoses for 2020 and 2030 are slightly lower than the prognoses from 2017. Higher ammonia The concentrations of ammonia (NH3) measured in the air in 2018 were much higher than in 2017. This was due primarily to the extremely hot, sunny, and very dry weather. Ammonia is a component of reactive nitrogen. If too much ammonia is deposited on the soil, it has a negative impact on nature (biodiversity). The deposition of ammonia in 2018 was approximately 10% higher than in 2017. Due to the higher concentrations in the air, there was more ammonia available for deposition on the soil. Additional to ammonia also nitrogen oxides contribute to the nitrogen deposition. The deposition of nitrogen oxides decreased. The emission of ammonia increased slightly in comparison to the previous years (2012-2016). The GCN maps prepared by RIVM are commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.
RIVM prepares annual maps of concentrations in the air in the Netherlands, including concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter. Maps are also made showing how much nitrogen is deposited on the soil. The 2019 report deals with the situation in 2018. In addition, calculations were also made of the concentrations of these substances to be expected in 2020, 2025, and 2030. These GCN (average concentration) maps are used, inter alia, for a programme aimed at improving the air quality in the Netherlands (National Air Quality Cooperation Program: NSL). This makes it possible, for example, to evaluate the effects of spatial plans on the concentrations of polluting substances in the air. Concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter in the air The concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) measured in the air in 2018 were slightly lower than in 2017. The prognoses for the concentrations in 2020 are a few micrograms higher than in 2017. This is due primarily to setbacks in the traffic emissions. The concentrations of particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) measured in 2018 were slightly higher than in 2017. The prognoses for 2020 and 2030 are slightly lower than the prognoses from 2017. Higher ammonia The concentrations of ammonia (NH3) measured in the air in 2018 were much higher than in 2017. This was due primarily to the extremely hot, sunny, and very dry weather. Ammonia is a component of reactive nitrogen. If too much ammonia is deposited on the soil, it has a negative impact on nature (biodiversity). The deposition of ammonia in 2018 was approximately 10% higher than in 2017. Due to the higher concentrations in the air, there was more ammonia available for deposition on the soil. Additional to ammonia also nitrogen oxides contribute to the nitrogen deposition. The deposition of nitrogen oxides decreased. The emission of ammonia increased slightly in comparison to the previous years (2012-2016). The GCN maps prepared by RIVM are commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
Ministerie van I&W