Series / Report no.
RIVM Rapport 348804004
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Jodiumprofylaxe bij
Translated Title
Iodine prophylaxis in case of nuclear
Published in
In 1999 is in Nederland begonnen met de revisie van het
Nationaal Plan Kernongevallenbestrijding. Hierbij hoort ook de herziening
van de aanbevelingen betreffende jodiumprofylaxe bij het vrijkomen van
radioactief jodium. Dit rapport bevat een strategie voor de Nederlandse
situatie, waarvoor een dreigingsanalyse is uitgevoerd. Op basis van
scenario's en brontermen zijn afstanden berekend waar de schildklierdosis
voor kinderen ten gevolge van radioactief jodium zo hoog zou worden dat
profylaxe aanbevolen wordt (interventieniveau).Dit is berekend voor de
kerncentrales van Borssele, Doel (Belgie) en Emsland (Duitsland). Er zijn
per kerncentrale twee zones gedefinieerd: een waar wordt aanbevolen de
kaliumjodaattabletten voor te verdelen en een tweede daaromheen waar de
tabletten decentraal kunnen worden opgeslagen bij huisartsenposten,
apotheken, drogisten en GGD's of GHOR.
In 1999 the Dutch government made a start on the revision of the National Nuclear Emergency Response Plan. This revision includes recommendations for iodine prophylaxis in case of a radioactive iodine release. The strategy set out for the Dutch situation will be described here. The first step was to carry out a threat analysis to calculate the area around nuclear power plants, where thyroid doses for children are sufficiently high as to warrant iodine prophylaxis. Calculations were based on scenarios and source terms. Analyses were conducted for accidental releases of the power plants of Borssele (the Netherlands), Doel (Belgium) and Emsland (Germany). Two zones were defined for each nuclear power plant: one in the direct vicinity of the power plant and a second one, forming a circle around the first zone. In the first zone predistribution of iodine tablets is advocated. In the second zone, around the first one, we advice local storage at offices of general practitioners, pharmacies, drugstores and at municipal health services ( GGD's) and at medical accident and disaster assistance service points (GHOR's).
In 1999 the Dutch government made a start on the revision of the National Nuclear Emergency Response Plan. This revision includes recommendations for iodine prophylaxis in case of a radioactive iodine release. The strategy set out for the Dutch situation will be described here. The first step was to carry out a threat analysis to calculate the area around nuclear power plants, where thyroid doses for children are sufficiently high as to warrant iodine prophylaxis. Calculations were based on scenarios and source terms. Analyses were conducted for accidental releases of the power plants of Borssele (the Netherlands), Doel (Belgium) and Emsland (Germany). Two zones were defined for each nuclear power plant: one in the direct vicinity of the power plant and a second one, forming a circle around the first zone. In the first zone predistribution of iodine tablets is advocated. In the second zone, around the first one, we advice local storage at offices of general practitioners, pharmacies, drugstores and at municipal health services ( GGD's) and at medical accident and disaster assistance service points (GHOR's).