Toepassing van neuslavage in onderzoek naar de effecten van luchtverontreiniging op de luchtwegen van schoolkinderen
Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Toepassing van neuslavage in onderzoek naar de
effecten van luchtverontreiniging op de luchtwegen van
Translated Title
Application of nasal lavage in studies on the
respiratory effects of air pollution in school
Published in
In de periode januari - medio april 1995 is een
epidemiologisch onderzoek verricht naar de relatie tussen verhoogde
blootstelling aan (stedelijke) luchtverontreiniging en de respiratoire
gezondheid van schoolkinderen. Hiertoe zijn tweewekelijks op een school in
Utrecht en Ermelo longfunctiemetingen en neuslavages verricht bij kinderen
van 7 tot 12 jaar. Daarnaast hebben de kinderen thuis gedurende de gehele
onderzoeksperiode piekstroommetingen uitgevoerd en een dagboekje m.b.t.
luchtwegklachten ingevuld. Tegelijkertijd zijn door het RIVM de
luchtverontreinigingsniveaus in de buurt van de onderzoekslocaties gemeten
door het Landelijk Meetnet Luchtkwaliteit (LML). Naast het
standaard-protocol werden neuslavage-metingen toegepast.
Neuslavage-metingen kunnen inzicht verschaffen in het toxicologische
mechanisme dat ten grondslag ligt aan gezondheidseffecten. Na afloop van de
onderzoeksperiode bleek dat ten tijde van de longfunctiemetingen en
neuslavages de luchtverontreinigingsniveaus zeer geringe variatie
vertoonden. Dit had tot consequentie dat in de statistische analyses van
het verzameld materiaal onbetrouwbare effectschattingen naar voren kwamen.
Vanwege de onbetrouwbare studie-uitkomsten is het niet mogelijk gebleken om
de relatie tussen de longfunctie en neuslavages en de luchtverontreiniging
nader te kwantificeren. De resultaten van de analyses van de
piekstroommetingen en klachtenregistraties lieten geen associatie zien met
de luchtverontreinigingsniveaus zoals die zijn opgetreden gedurende de
gehele onderzoeksperiode.
An epidemiological study was conducted from January to mid-April 1995 to assess the relationship between (urban) air pollution and respiratory health of children. Pulmonary function measurements and nasal lavages were performed every two weeks in children aged 7 to 12 years at one school in the city of Utrecht and another in the small town of Ermelo. During the study period the children performed daily peakflow measurements and kept a diary on respiratory symptoms and medication use. Ambient air pollution was measured daily by RIVM at the nearest measurement station. Rather novel in this study was the application of the nasal lavage technique, which can be helpful in detecting inflammation processes in the upper airways and partly mirror processes in the lower airways. At the end of the study period it appeared that air pollution levels had been constantly low throughout the study period, which made the calculated effect estimates unreliable. Therefore it has not been possible to relate pulmonary function measurements and nasal lavage results to variations in air pollution. Peakflow measurements and respiratory symptoms were not found to be related to air pollution, probably due to the relatively low air pollution levels.
An epidemiological study was conducted from January to mid-April 1995 to assess the relationship between (urban) air pollution and respiratory health of children. Pulmonary function measurements and nasal lavages were performed every two weeks in children aged 7 to 12 years at one school in the city of Utrecht and another in the small town of Ermelo. During the study period the children performed daily peakflow measurements and kept a diary on respiratory symptoms and medication use. Ambient air pollution was measured daily by RIVM at the nearest measurement station. Rather novel in this study was the application of the nasal lavage technique, which can be helpful in detecting inflammation processes in the upper airways and partly mirror processes in the lower airways. At the end of the study period it appeared that air pollution levels had been constantly low throughout the study period, which made the calculated effect estimates unreliable. Therefore it has not been possible to relate pulmonary function measurements and nasal lavage results to variations in air pollution. Peakflow measurements and respiratory symptoms were not found to be related to air pollution, probably due to the relatively low air pollution levels.