Bewakingsonderzoek 1996 naar het voorkomen van residuen van anabole steroiden, beta-agonisten, gestagenen en tranquillizers in slachtdieren
Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Bewakingsonderzoek 1996 naar het voorkomen van
residuen van anabole steroiden, beta-agonisten, gestagenen en tranquillizers
in slachtdieren
Translated Title
1996 surveillance into the occurrence of residues
of anabolic steroids, beta-agonists, gestagenes and tranquillizers in
animals for slaughter
Published in
Gedurende het in 1996 uitgevoerde bewakings- onderzoek
'bijzondere slachtplaatsen' werden 75 monsters urine onderzocht op de
aanwezigheid van residuen van anabole steroiden en beta-agonisten. Er
werden eveneens 34 monsters runderoog (retina) en 40 monsters lever op
residuen van beta-agonisten onderzocht. Verder werden 50 monsters niervet
op residuen van gestagenen en 11 monsters nier op residuen van
tranquillizers onderzocht. In een monster urine werd clenbuterol
aangetroffen en de aanwezigheid hiervan kon in het bijbehorende monster
lever worden bevestigd. In geen van de overige monsters konden residuen van
een van de gezochte verbindingen worden aangetoond. De 245 onderzochten
monsters (afkomstig van 75+34+11=120 dieren) residuen van een der gezochte
verbindingen kon worden aangetoond. Een steekproef van vijftig monsters
niervet werd onderzocht op de aanwezigheid van
During the 1996 surveillance, focusing on special slaughter locations, 75 samples of urine were analysed for the presence of residues of anabolic steroids and beta-agonists, 34 samples of bovine retina and 40 samples of liver for residues of beta-agonists, 50 samples of kidney fat for gestagens and 11 samples of kidney for tranquillizers. In one sample of urine residues of clenbuterol were detected and clenbuterol was confirmed in the sample of liver taken from the same animal. In none of the other samples were any residues of the compounds mentioned detected. One sample out of a total of 245 (originating from 120 animals) was found positive for a beta-agonist. Fifty samples of kidney fax were selected at random for the analysis of gestagens.
During the 1996 surveillance, focusing on special slaughter locations, 75 samples of urine were analysed for the presence of residues of anabolic steroids and beta-agonists, 34 samples of bovine retina and 40 samples of liver for residues of beta-agonists, 50 samples of kidney fat for gestagens and 11 samples of kidney for tranquillizers. In one sample of urine residues of clenbuterol were detected and clenbuterol was confirmed in the sample of liver taken from the same animal. In none of the other samples were any residues of the compounds mentioned detected. One sample out of a total of 245 (originating from 120 animals) was found positive for a beta-agonist. Fifty samples of kidney fax were selected at random for the analysis of gestagens.