Monitoring of radiation in airdust, deposition and an overall country milk sample; results in the Netherlands in 1996
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Monitoring of radiation in airdust, deposition and an overall country milk sample; results in the Netherlands in 1996
Translated Title
Metingen van radioactiviteit in monsters luchtstof en depositie en in een landelijk mengmonster; resultaten in Nederland in 1996
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In dit jaarverslag over 1996 zijn de resultaten weergegeven van de metingen van radioactiviteit in milieumonsters uit de atmosfeer uitgevoerd door het Laboratorium voor Stralingsonderzoek (LSO). De analyses zijn uitgevoerd aan monsters luchtstof en depositie genomen op het RIVM-terrein in Bilthoven. Ook zijn mengmonsters melk, gemengd uit melkmonsters afkomstig van vier melkfabrieken verspreid over het land, geanalyseerd. In 1996 zijn de jaargemiddelde totale alfa- en beta-activiteitsconcentraties in luchtstof, bemonsterd met een high volume sampler, 0,0671 +- 0,0009 (SD 0,03) en 0,540 +- 0,003 (SD 0,33) mBq.m-3, waarbij SD de variatie in de wekelijkse resultaten gedurende het jaar representeert. Deze waarden zijn overeenkomstig die van de periode 1992-1995. De gamma-spectrometrische analyses uitgevoerd aan luchtstofmonsters gaven voor de nucliden 7Be, 137Cs en 210Pb de activiteitsconcentraties 3890 +- 50 (SD 1320), 1,60 +- 0,03 (SD 1,2) en 500 +- 10 (SD 390) mBq.m-3. De jaarlijkse totale alfa- en beta-activiteiten in depositie in Bilthoven over 1996 bedroegen 16,4 +- 1,5 en 67 +- 5 Bq.m-2. De jaarlijkse totale activiteit van 3H in depositie was 970 +- 50 Bq.m-2. De totale jaarlijkse deposities van 137Cs, 7Be en 210Pb, verkregen via gamma-spectrometrie, bedroegen 0,55 +- 0,03, 920 +- 20 en 64,9 +- 1,6 Bq.m-2. De 210Pb- en 210Po-resultaten bepaald met alfa-spectroscopie waren 57 +- 3 en 9 +- 2 Bq.m-2. Al de gemeten waarden zijn van dezelfde orde van grootte als de waarden die in de voorafgaande jaren zijn gemeten. De jaargemiddelde activiteitsconcentratie van 137Cs in melk van een landelijk mengmonster is 0,073 +- 0,010 Bq.L-1, hetgeen nagenoeg gelijk is aan het resultaat van vorig jaar. Voor 90Sr is een waarde gemeten beneden de detectielimiet van 0,2 Bq.L-1.<br>
This 1996 annual report presents the results of radiation measurements of the atmosphere in the Netherlands by the Laboratory of Radiation Research (LSO). The programme of RIVM/LSO includes samples of airdust and deposition taken at the RIVM premises in Bilthoven. An overall country milk sample, a mixture of milk samples from four milk factories in the Netherlands, was also analysed. In 1996, the yearly average gross alpha- and gross beta-activity concentrations in airdust sampled with a high volume sampler were 0.0671 +- 0.0009 (SD 0.03) and 0.540 +- 0.003 (SD 0.33) mBq.m-3, where SD illustrates the variation in weekly averages during the year. These values are of the same order as those of the period 1992-1995. The yearly average activity concentrations in airdust, measured using gamma-spectroscopy, for the nuclides 7Be, 137Cs and 210Pb were 3890 +- 50 (SD 1320), 1.60 +- 0.03 (SD 1.2) and 500 +- 10 (SD 390) mBq.m-3. The yearly total gross alpha- and gross beta-activities of the deposition in Bilthoven were 16.4 +- 1.5 and 67 +- 5 Bq.m-2, and the yearly total deposition of 3H was 970 +- 50 Bq.m-2. The total activities of 137Cs, 7Be and 210Pb in deposition were 0.55 +- 0.03, 920 +- 20 and 64.9 +- 1.6 Bq.m-2, respectively. The 210Pb- and 210Po-analysis results obtained using alpha-spectroscopy were 57 +- 3 and 9 +- 2 Bq.m-2. These activities are all of the same order as those in previous years. The yearly average concentration of 137Cs in consumer milk from a nationwide sample mix was 0.073 +- 0.010 Bq.L-1, which is almost equal to that of the previous year. The results for 90Sr are lower than the detection limit of 0.2 Bq.L-1.<br>
This 1996 annual report presents the results of radiation measurements of the atmosphere in the Netherlands by the Laboratory of Radiation Research (LSO). The programme of RIVM/LSO includes samples of airdust and deposition taken at the RIVM premises in Bilthoven. An overall country milk sample, a mixture of milk samples from four milk factories in the Netherlands, was also analysed. In 1996, the yearly average gross alpha- and gross beta-activity concentrations in airdust sampled with a high volume sampler were 0.0671 +- 0.0009 (SD 0.03) and 0.540 +- 0.003 (SD 0.33) mBq.m-3, where SD illustrates the variation in weekly averages during the year. These values are of the same order as those of the period 1992-1995. The yearly average activity concentrations in airdust, measured using gamma-spectroscopy, for the nuclides 7Be, 137Cs and 210Pb were 3890 +- 50 (SD 1320), 1.60 +- 0.03 (SD 1.2) and 500 +- 10 (SD 390) mBq.m-3. The yearly total gross alpha- and gross beta-activities of the deposition in Bilthoven were 16.4 +- 1.5 and 67 +- 5 Bq.m-2, and the yearly total deposition of 3H was 970 +- 50 Bq.m-2. The total activities of 137Cs, 7Be and 210Pb in deposition were 0.55 +- 0.03, 920 +- 20 and 64.9 +- 1.6 Bq.m-2, respectively. The 210Pb- and 210Po-analysis results obtained using alpha-spectroscopy were 57 +- 3 and 9 +- 2 Bq.m-2. These activities are all of the same order as those in previous years. The yearly average concentration of 137Cs in consumer milk from a nationwide sample mix was 0.073 +- 0.010 Bq.L-1, which is almost equal to that of the previous year. The results for 90Sr are lower than the detection limit of 0.2 Bq.L-1.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM