Geschat effect van lagere zout- en suikergehalten in voedingsmiddelen op de dagelijkse zout- en suikerinname in Nederland : Akkoord Verbetering Productsamenstelling 2014-2020
Series / Report no.
RIVM briefrapport 2019-0231
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Geschat effect van lagere zout- en suikergehalten in voedingsmiddelen op de dagelijkse zout- en suikerinname in Nederland : Akkoord Verbetering Productsamenstelling 2014-2020
Translated Title
Estimated effect of lower salt and sugar levels in foods on the daily intake of salt and sugar of the Dutch population
Published in
Vanuit het Akkoord Verbetering Productsamenstelling (AVP) maakt de voedingsindustrie sinds 2014 afspraken om de hoeveelheid zout, suiker en (verzadigd) vet in voedingsmiddelen te verminderen. Volgens het RIVM worden met deze afspraken kleine stappen gezet om de dagelijkse inname van zout en suiker te verlagen. Deze conclusie trok het RIVM ook in het vorige voortgangsverslag (tot halverwege 2017). Naast de verbetering van de productsamenstelling is het belangrijk dat consumenten voor gezondere producten kiezen om veel minder zout en suiker binnen te krijgen.
Het RIVM berekent op verzoek van het ministerie van VWS tijdens de looptijd van het akkoord enkele keren het effect van de afspraken op de dagelijkse zout- en suikerinname. Volgens de laatste schattingen (tot halverwege 2019) kunnen volwassen Nederlanders door de afspraken gemiddeld per dag 0,5 gram minder zout (een snufje zout) en 4 gram minder suiker (een suikerklontje) binnenkrijgen ten opzichte van de situatie voor het akkoord.
Dit keer is ook gekeken naar het effect van de afspraken die sinds halverwege 2017 zijn toegevoegd. Het effect van deze afspraken binnen de genoemde totale afname was klein: hierdoor krijgen Nederlanders dagelijks gemiddeld 0,05 gram zout minder binnen dan de geschatte inname voor die tijd. Voor suiker is dat 1,5 gram minder per dag.
Een volwassen Nederlander krijgt elke dag gemiddeld 8,7 gram zout en 114 gram suiker binnen via voeding. Dit is ruim boven de aanbevolen hoeveelheden. De norm voor zout is 6 gram per dag. Er bestaat geen norm voor de totale hoeveelheid suiker die mensen binnenkrijgen, maar het streven is dat daar zo min mogelijk aan producten toegevoegde suiker bij zit.
De afspraken voor het AVP moeten in 2020 het gewenste resultaat hebben. Het RIVM maakt de schattingen op basis van voedselconsumptiecijfers (VCP) en gegevens van producenten over hun producten (NEVO). Uitgangspunten van de berekening zijn dat alle producenten aan de afspraak meedoen en dat zij alle afspraken nakomen. Ook is ervan uitgegaan dat Nederlanders dezelfde producten zijn blijven eten als de jaren ervoor. Over verzadigd vet zijn minder afspraken gemaakt en alleen voor hele specifieke producten. De impact van deze afspraken is naar verwachting minimaal en is daardoor niet doorgerekend.
The food industry has been making agreements to reduce the levels of salt, sugar and fat (including saturated fat) in foods since 2014, when the National Agreement to Improve Product Composition (AVP) was drawn up. According to RIVM, these agreements are modest steps in lowering the daily intake of salt and sugar of the Dutch population. RIVM also arrived at this conclusion in its previous progress report (covering the period up to mid-2017). Besides improving the composition of foods, it is important that consumers opt for healthier products so that their salt and sugar intake is much lower. The Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) has commissioned RIVM to estimate the effects of the agreements on daily salt and sugar intake several times throughout the duration of the agreement. The most recent estimates (covering the period up to mid-2019) indicate that, as a result of the agreement, on average, adult Dutch people may consume 0.5 gram (a pinch) less salt and 4 grams (a cube) less sugar per day compared with the situation prior to the agreement. This time, the effect of the agreements that have been established since mid-2017 were also taken into account. The effect of these new agreements on the aforementioned decrease in intake was small: on average, Dutch people consume 0.05 gram less salt and 1.5 grams less sugar per day than the estimated intake before this period as a result. On average, adults in the Netherlands consume 8.7 grams of salt and 114 grams of sugar through their food every day. These quantities are well above the recommended quantities. The daily reference intake for salt is 6 grams per day. There is no reference intake for the total quantity of sugar, but the aim is limit the intake of added sugar as much as possible. The agreements made pursuant to the AVP are intended to achieve the required result by 2020. RIVM makes these estimates based on food consumption figures and data from manufacturers about their products (NEVO). The assumptions of the estimations are that all manufacturers participate in the agreement and that they honour the commitments. It is also assumed that dietary patterns have remained stable over the past years. For saturated fat fewer agreements, including very specific products, were made. The impact of these agreements is expected to be minimal and has therefore not been calculated.
The food industry has been making agreements to reduce the levels of salt, sugar and fat (including saturated fat) in foods since 2014, when the National Agreement to Improve Product Composition (AVP) was drawn up. According to RIVM, these agreements are modest steps in lowering the daily intake of salt and sugar of the Dutch population. RIVM also arrived at this conclusion in its previous progress report (covering the period up to mid-2017). Besides improving the composition of foods, it is important that consumers opt for healthier products so that their salt and sugar intake is much lower. The Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) has commissioned RIVM to estimate the effects of the agreements on daily salt and sugar intake several times throughout the duration of the agreement. The most recent estimates (covering the period up to mid-2019) indicate that, as a result of the agreement, on average, adult Dutch people may consume 0.5 gram (a pinch) less salt and 4 grams (a cube) less sugar per day compared with the situation prior to the agreement. This time, the effect of the agreements that have been established since mid-2017 were also taken into account. The effect of these new agreements on the aforementioned decrease in intake was small: on average, Dutch people consume 0.05 gram less salt and 1.5 grams less sugar per day than the estimated intake before this period as a result. On average, adults in the Netherlands consume 8.7 grams of salt and 114 grams of sugar through their food every day. These quantities are well above the recommended quantities. The daily reference intake for salt is 6 grams per day. There is no reference intake for the total quantity of sugar, but the aim is limit the intake of added sugar as much as possible. The agreements made pursuant to the AVP are intended to achieve the required result by 2020. RIVM makes these estimates based on food consumption figures and data from manufacturers about their products (NEVO). The assumptions of the estimations are that all manufacturers participate in the agreement and that they honour the commitments. It is also assumed that dietary patterns have remained stable over the past years. For saturated fat fewer agreements, including very specific products, were made. The impact of these agreements is expected to be minimal and has therefore not been calculated.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
Ministerie van VWS