Lichaamsbelasting van de Nederlandse bevolking met enkele metalen. Pilot-studie bij deelnemers aan het 'MORGEN-project'
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Journal Issue
Lichaamsbelasting van de Nederlandse bevolking met enkele metalen. Pilot-studie bij deelnemers aan het 'MORGEN-project'
Translated Title
Current levels of some metals in the Dutch population. Pilot-study with participants of the 'MORGEN-project'
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Vooruitlopend op een onderzoek naar de lichaamsbelasting van de Nederlandse bevolking met lood, arseen, kwik en cadmium, is in een pilot-studie de monsterverzameling nader onderzocht. Hiervoor zijn lood-bloed concentraties bepaald en cadmium-, kwik- en arseen-urine concentraties van deelnemers aan het MORGEN-project. De infrastructuur van het MORGEN-project bleek prima geschikt om het metalen-onderzoek in te passen. Contaminatie van urinemonsters tijdens monstername leek geen groot probleem. Gemeten concentraties waren goed vergelijkbaar met te verwachten concentraties in een niet-beroepsmatig blootgestelde populatie. De intra-individuele variatie in concentraties in urinemonsters in de tijd, was zoals verwacht hoog voor arseen (zeer korte biologische halfwaardetijd) en lager voor kwik en cadmium. Tevens is een nieuwe methode getest om in toxiciteit verschillende arseenverbindingen afzonderlijk te meten, de zgn. arseenspeciatiemethode.<br>
Preceding a survey on current body burdens of lead, arsenic, mercury and cadmium in the general Dutch population, a pilot study has been performed in which sample collection procedures were examined. To this end, blood-lead and urine-cadmium, -arsenic and -mercury concentrations were determined in participants of the MORGEN-project. The infrastructure of the MORGEN-project appeared very suitable for sample collection of the metalstudy. Contamination of urinesamples during collection constituted no major problems. Measured concentrations were comparable to expected concentrations in a non-occupationally exposed population. Intra-individual variation in time in concentrations in urine was high in case of arsenic (short biological half-time) and lower in case of mercury and cadmium. Finally, a new method was tested to measure arsenic compounds in urine, which vary in toxicity, the so-called arsenic speciation method.<br>
Preceding a survey on current body burdens of lead, arsenic, mercury and cadmium in the general Dutch population, a pilot study has been performed in which sample collection procedures were examined. To this end, blood-lead and urine-cadmium, -arsenic and -mercury concentrations were determined in participants of the MORGEN-project. The infrastructure of the MORGEN-project appeared very suitable for sample collection of the metalstudy. Contamination of urinesamples during collection constituted no major problems. Measured concentrations were comparable to expected concentrations in a non-occupationally exposed population. Intra-individual variation in time in concentrations in urine was high in case of arsenic (short biological half-time) and lower in case of mercury and cadmium. Finally, a new method was tested to measure arsenic compounds in urine, which vary in toxicity, the so-called arsenic speciation method.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM