Paediatric surveillance of invasive infections by Haemophilus influenzae in 1995 in the Netherlands
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Paediatric surveillance of invasive infections by Haemophilus influenzae in 1995 in the Netherlands
Translated Title
Paediatrische surveillance van invasieve infecties door Haemophilus influenzae in 1995 in Nederland
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Ter voorkoming van sterfte, morbiditeit en blijvende schade als gevolg van invasieve Hib-infecties heeft de Gezondheidsraad geadviseerd vaccinatie tegen Hib in het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma op te nemen, hetgeen in 1993 is gerealiseerd. Om de effectiviteit van deze immunisatie te beoordelen is de surveillance door het Nederlands Surveillance-Centrum Kindergeneeskunde (NSCK) uitgevoerd. In deze rapportage wordt het voortschrijdende effect van Hib vaccinatie duidelijk. Eenenveertig gevallen van invasieve Hi infectie werden geregistreerd: 28 meningitis, 8 epiglottitis, 2 artritis en 3 sepsis. Dit betekent een belangrijke vermindering vergeleken met 1994 (129 gevallen) en de geschatte aantallen van voor de start van vaccinatie. Drie gevallen van echt vaccin-falen werden geregistreerd maar geen gevallen van mogelijk of schijnbaar vaccin-falen. Sinds 1 januari 1995 werd de casus-definitie veranderd naar invasieve Hi infecties ongeacht het serotype. Als gevolg hiervan is het ook mogelijk om invasieve Hi ziektebeelden veroorzaakt door niet serotype b stammen te bestuderen. Op 1 januari 1995 werd cellulitis in de casus-definitie opgenomen, er werden geen gevallen gerapporteerd met als het enige teken van invasieve Hi infectie cellulitis. De dekkingsgraad van de paediatrische surveillance werd geschat door vergelijking van gevallen van meningitis in de NSCK met gevallen van isolaten uit liquor van het Nederlands Referentie Laboratorium voor Bacteriele Meningitis (RBM).<br>
Following the recommendation of the National Health Council to include immunisation against Hib in the National Immunisation Programme to prevent mortality, severe morbidity and permanent disability due to invasive Hib infection, the vaccine is offered to all children born after 1 April 1993. To assess the effectiveness of this immunisation, surveillance has to be carried out. In this annual report on the Hi(b) surveillance in 1995 done by the Dutch Paediatric Surveillance Centre (NSCK) progressive effects of Hib vaccination became evident. Forty-one invasive Hi infections were registered: 28 meningitis, 8 epiglottitis, 2 arthritis and 3 sepsis. This means a substantial reduction compared with 1994 (129 cases) and the estimated numbers before the start of vaccination. Three cases of true vaccine-failures occurred and no possible or apparent vaccine-failures. Since 1 January 1995 the case-definition was changed to invasive Hi disease irrespective of serotype. As a result it is possible to study invasive Hi disease caused by non-serotype b strains as well. Cellulitis was included into the case-definition since 1 January 1995. No cases of cellulitis as the only sign were reported in 1995. The coverage of the paediatric surveillance scheme was estimated through comparison of the records of meningitis cases with the laboratory records of the Netherlands Reference Laboratory for Bacterial Meningitis (RBM).<br>
Following the recommendation of the National Health Council to include immunisation against Hib in the National Immunisation Programme to prevent mortality, severe morbidity and permanent disability due to invasive Hib infection, the vaccine is offered to all children born after 1 April 1993. To assess the effectiveness of this immunisation, surveillance has to be carried out. In this annual report on the Hi(b) surveillance in 1995 done by the Dutch Paediatric Surveillance Centre (NSCK) progressive effects of Hib vaccination became evident. Forty-one invasive Hi infections were registered: 28 meningitis, 8 epiglottitis, 2 arthritis and 3 sepsis. This means a substantial reduction compared with 1994 (129 cases) and the estimated numbers before the start of vaccination. Three cases of true vaccine-failures occurred and no possible or apparent vaccine-failures. Since 1 January 1995 the case-definition was changed to invasive Hi disease irrespective of serotype. As a result it is possible to study invasive Hi disease caused by non-serotype b strains as well. Cellulitis was included into the case-definition since 1 January 1995. No cases of cellulitis as the only sign were reported in 1995. The coverage of the paediatric surveillance scheme was estimated through comparison of the records of meningitis cases with the laboratory records of the Netherlands Reference Laboratory for Bacterial Meningitis (RBM).<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM