Scabies in een psychogeriatrisch verpleeghuis oktober 1996
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Journal Issue
Scabies in een psychogeriatrisch verpleeghuis oktober 1996
Translated Title
Scabies in a psycho-geriatric nursing home October 1996
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Gedurende de periode december 1994 - oktober 1996 deden zich een viertal outbreaks van scabies voor in een psychogeriatrisch verpleeghuis in de regio van de GGD Duin- en Bollenstreek. Na behandeling in september 1996 van alle patienten, personeel en contactpersonen (ongeveer 1200 personen), waren er in oktober 1996 opnieuw klachten van scabies. Dit was reden tot een epidemiologisch onderzoek naar het recidiverend voorkomen van scabies in dit huis. Drieendertig personen met scabies-gerelateerde klachten werden geinterviewd, medische dossiers werden geraadpleegd en achtergrondinformatie werd over het verpleeghuis verzameld. Bij vijf personen was door een dermatoloog scabies vastgesteld. De meest recente outbreak vond plaats in augustus 1996 en werd adequaat behandeld. Deze outbreak deed zich voor binnen een afdeling van het huis, waar zwaar demente patienten verblijven. Een index-casus kon geidentificeerd worden aan de hand van epidemiologische en medische gegevens. Attack-rates bij patienten en personeelsleden waren vergelijkbaar (33% voor alle mogelijke gevallen ; 7% voor bevestigde besmettingen). Door systematische onderzoek kon worden uitgesloten dat in oktober 1996 een nieuwe outbreak was opgetreden. Intensieve surveillance voor drie maanden werd geadviseerd. Het belang van intensieve surveillance, niet alleen voor de eradicatie van nosocomiale scabies in zorginstellingen, maar ook om secundaire psychologische effecten bij patienten, personeelsleden en contactpersonen te beperken, dient te worden erkend.<br>
Between December 1994 and August 1996 several outbreaks of scabies occurred in a nursing home in the area of the Municipal Health Service (GGD) Duin- en Bollenstreek in the Netherlands. After a thorough approach with treatment of all patients, staff and contacts (approximately 1200 persons) in early September 1996, there was a new outbreak in October 1996. The scabies problem at this institution was investigated. Thirty-three individuals reported scabies-related symptoms and were interviewed by the public health nurse from the GGD using a questionnaire. Background information on the nursing home and from medical records were gathered. Scabies was diagnosed by a dermatologist for 5 individuals. The latest outbreak took place in August 1996 and was treated adequately. It occurred in an extended care unit for patients with pronounced psychogeriatric disabilities. An index-case could be identified using epidemiological and medical information. Attack rates among patients and nursing staff were comparable (33% for all possible cases ; 7% for confirmed cases). Following the results of the systematic investigation a new outbreak in October 1996 could be ruled out. An intensive surveillance for three month was recommended. The importance of prolonged intensive surveillance not only for the eradication of nosocomial scabies in extended care settings, but also to reduce secondary psychological effects on patients, staff and contacts needs to be recognised.<br>
Between December 1994 and August 1996 several outbreaks of scabies occurred in a nursing home in the area of the Municipal Health Service (GGD) Duin- en Bollenstreek in the Netherlands. After a thorough approach with treatment of all patients, staff and contacts (approximately 1200 persons) in early September 1996, there was a new outbreak in October 1996. The scabies problem at this institution was investigated. Thirty-three individuals reported scabies-related symptoms and were interviewed by the public health nurse from the GGD using a questionnaire. Background information on the nursing home and from medical records were gathered. Scabies was diagnosed by a dermatologist for 5 individuals. The latest outbreak took place in August 1996 and was treated adequately. It occurred in an extended care unit for patients with pronounced psychogeriatric disabilities. An index-case could be identified using epidemiological and medical information. Attack rates among patients and nursing staff were comparable (33% for all possible cases ; 7% for confirmed cases). Following the results of the systematic investigation a new outbreak in October 1996 could be ruled out. An intensive surveillance for three month was recommended. The importance of prolonged intensive surveillance not only for the eradication of nosocomial scabies in extended care settings, but also to reduce secondary psychological effects on patients, staff and contacts needs to be recognised.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM