Op weg naar een optimale meetstrategie voor stikstof
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2021-0118
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Op weg naar een optimale meetstrategie voor stikstof
Translated Title
The road to an optimum measurement strategy for nitrogen
Published in
Het RIVM meet al over een reeks van jaren verschillende onderdelen van stikstof, zoals ammoniak en stikstofoxiden. Het gaat dan om de concentraties van deze stoffen in de lucht en om de neerslag van stikstof op de bodem door regen (natte depositie), en vanuit de lucht (droge depositie). Om de stikstofdepositie in kaart te brengen worden de metingen gecombineerd met modelberekeningen. De komende jaren wordt het aantal meetpunten uitgebreid om onzekerheden kleiner te maken. Zo kan de stikstofdepositie nog beter in kaart worden gebracht.
Dit rapport onderbouwt de locatiekeuzes voor de uitbreiding van het meetnet. Het RIVM beschrijft de doelen van de metingen in het algemeen, en van de uitbreidingen van de meetpunten in het bijzonder. De vier belangrijkste doelen zijn: rekenmodellen valideren, ontwikkelingen in de tijd volgen, stikstofprocessen bestuderen, en de kwaliteit van metingen beoordelen. Daarnaast zijn de criteria beschreven die bepalen waar de nieuwe meetpunten moeten komen. Om rekenmodellen te valideren moeten de meetpunten bijvoorbeeld goed verspreid staan over Nederland en representatief zijn voor de ruimtelijke schaal waarop wordt gerekend.
Deze studie is een eerste stap in de uitbreiding van het meetnet en draagt bij aan een verfijnd meetnetwerk. In lijn met ontwikkelingen van wetenschappelijke inzichten en technieken zal het RIVM de meetstrategie regelmatig herzien. De wetenschap ontwikkelt zich bijvoorbeeld doordat er in de loop van de jaren nieuwe meettechnieken bij komen. Zo zal worden onderzocht hoe de depositiebepaling in de toekomst kan worden verfijnd met metingen van satellieten en sensoren (uit citizen science-projecten). Ook kunnen de bestaande wetenschappelijke onzekerheden mogelijk worden verkleind door meerdere rekenmodellen te gebruiken. Telkens wordt nagegaan wat voor elke stikstofcomponent de beste combinatie is van modelberekeningen en metingen.
For years, RIVM has been measuring various nitrogen compounds, including ammonia and nitrogen oxides. The concentrations of these substances are measured in the air together with the amount of nitrogen that is deposited on the soil via rain (wet deposition) and via the air (dry deposition). In the coming years, the number of measuring points will be expanded in order to reduce the uncertainties in the determination of the nitrogen deposition. This will make it possible to map the nitrogen deposition even more accurately. This report explains the reasoning behind the choice of locations for the expansion. RIVM describes the goals of the measurements in general and of the expansion of the measuring points in particular. The four most important goals are: validating the models, monitoring developments over time, studying nitrogen related processes, and evaluating the quality of measurements. In addition, we describe the criteria for determining where the new measuring points will be located. In order to validate models, for example, the measuring points must be well distributed throughout the Netherlands and be representative of the spatial scale on which calculations are made. This study is a first step in the expansion of the measurement network and contributes to a more detailed and refined measurement network. As a result of ongoing developments in scientific insights and techniques, RIVM will regularly revise the measurement strategy. Science develops further, for example, due to new measurement techniques evolving over time. Future research will focus on how the calculation of deposition can be improved with the help of measurements from satellites and sensors (from citizen science projects). In addition, the present scientific uncertainties could possibly be reduced by using multiple models. In each case, an assessment will be made as to which combination of model calculations and measurements can best be used for each individual nitrogen component.
For years, RIVM has been measuring various nitrogen compounds, including ammonia and nitrogen oxides. The concentrations of these substances are measured in the air together with the amount of nitrogen that is deposited on the soil via rain (wet deposition) and via the air (dry deposition). In the coming years, the number of measuring points will be expanded in order to reduce the uncertainties in the determination of the nitrogen deposition. This will make it possible to map the nitrogen deposition even more accurately. This report explains the reasoning behind the choice of locations for the expansion. RIVM describes the goals of the measurements in general and of the expansion of the measuring points in particular. The four most important goals are: validating the models, monitoring developments over time, studying nitrogen related processes, and evaluating the quality of measurements. In addition, we describe the criteria for determining where the new measuring points will be located. In order to validate models, for example, the measuring points must be well distributed throughout the Netherlands and be representative of the spatial scale on which calculations are made. This study is a first step in the expansion of the measurement network and contributes to a more detailed and refined measurement network. As a result of ongoing developments in scientific insights and techniques, RIVM will regularly revise the measurement strategy. Science develops further, for example, due to new measurement techniques evolving over time. Future research will focus on how the calculation of deposition can be improved with the help of measurements from satellites and sensors (from citizen science projects). In addition, the present scientific uncertainties could possibly be reduced by using multiple models. In each case, an assessment will be made as to which combination of model calculations and measurements can best be used for each individual nitrogen component.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
Ministerie van LNV