Grakist Gvan Veldhuizen JPJ2018-07-151992-03-3190-6960-036-6A method has been developed to determine the consequences of changes in the groundwater level underlying agriculturally productive land by means of a GIS. This method is based on the so-called HELP tables, and is applicable only to large areas (50x50 km2). The soil classifications in the HELP tables are grouped into 9 sensitivity classes for agricultural damage due to soilmoisture deficit and 2 sensitivity classes for decrease of agricultural production due to soil water excess. In an example, it is shown how the effects on agriculture can be determined.<br>application/pdf77 p2989 kbnl13grondwaterwaterstandlandbouwproduktiebodemclassificatiegeografisch informatiesysteemprognosegroundwaterwater levelsagricultureproductiongissoilclassificationprognosislandbouwschadeEffecten van grondwaterstandsveranderingen op de landbouwkundige produktie; een methodiekEffects of changes in groundwater level on agricultural production; a methodReport2018-07-15