Lijzen JPA2017-02-201991-11-30This study was carried out to determine the need of a separate programme of the 'Regulation for the Advancement of Environmental Technology' ('Sti-MT') to stimulate technology from a substance point of view. Therefore 6 programms of the 'Sti-MT' and 5 other technological programmes have been screened for substances that have special attention in Governmental policy ('Aandachtstoffenlijst 1990'). An overview is given of waste streams, industrial branches and technologies. this information made it possible to determine substances and subject to which little attention is paid in technological programmes. It is concluded that a separate programme focusing on substances is not necessary, because many of the special attention substances are already incorporated in other programmes. Nevertheless it is important to use a substances point of view when the 'Sti-MT' will be renewed.<br>120 pnl1791-4technologisch onderzoekprogrammaaandachtstoffenstoffen evaluatiemilieutechnologietechnological research and development programmehazardous substancesevaluationclean technology.Evaluatie onderzoeksprogramma&apos;s milieutechnologie vanuit een invalshoek stoffenEvaluation of technological Research and Development in relation with hazardous SubstancesReport2017-02-20