Minnen JG vanMeijers R2012-12-122012-12-121994-06-30http://hdl.handle.net/10029/262215Abstract niet beschikbaarThe FORSOL model is the forest-soil module of the EXPECT model. The expect model is a tool for scenario development of environmental policy plans. It covers the pathway of environmental pollutants from emissions, to effects on biotic and abiotic receptor systems. Effects of acidification, eutrophication and dessication on the forest-soil system are identified with the FORSOL model. Calculations of the model show a reasonable agreement with the results of other models. In the near future a sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of the model will be performed and the model will be expanded to allow calculations for more tree species and more soil types71 pen05bosbodemverontreinigingwiskundig modelverzuringvermestingverdrogingeutrofieringforestssoilpollutionmodellingacidificationeutrophicationdesiccationover fertilizationforsolexpectFORSOL: The expect forest-soil model[FORSOL: bos-bodem model van het EXPECT model.]Report2012-12-12