Notenboom JPosthuma L2007-03-092007-03-091994-04-30 1993 bioassays with several organisms (bacteria, plants, arthropods, oligochaetes) have been performed in metal contaminated soils originating from the neighbourhood of a zinc smelter works at Budel. Results are compared with those of experiments performed with the same organisms in standardized (artificial) soils spiked with metals. Moreover, abundance and diversity of nematoda along a gradient of contaminated soils near Budel is studied. A start has been made with the organization of an experimental field, above all for the study of abiotic factors influencing the sensitivity of soil organisms. The report gives a general enumeration of results obtained, additionally an evaluation and integration of results is persued and a strategy is designed for the next phase of the project.3245000 bytes3322701 bytesapplication/pdfnlsoilecotoxicologytoxicitybioavailabilitybioassaysbodemecotoxicologietoxiciteitbiobeschikbaarheidbiotestValidatie toxiciteitsgegevens en risicogrenzen bodem: voortgangsrapportage 1993[Validation toxicity data and risk levels for soils: progress report 1993.]Report