van Erp, Elisabeth ALakerveld, Anke Jde Graaf, ErikLarsen, Mads DSchepp, Rutger MHipgrave Ederveen, Agnes LAhout, Inge Mlde Haan, Cornelis AmWuhrer, ManfredLuytjes, WillemFerwerda, GerbenVidarsson, Gesturvan Kasteren, Puck B2020-05-242020-05-242020-01-012050-00683209965010.1002/cti2.1112 found that RSV-specific maternal antibodies activate NK cells in vitro. While concentrations of RSV-specific antibodies did not differ between cases and controls, antibodies from infants hospitalised for severe respiratory infections (RSV and/or other) induced significantly less NK cell interferon-γ production than those from uninfected controls. Furthermore, NK cell activation correlated with Fc-fucosylation of RSV-specific antibodies, but their glycosylation status did not significantly differ between cases and controls.enFc‐mediated effector functionsNK cellantibody‐dependent cell‐mediated cytotoxicityfucosylationinterferon‐gammarespiratory syncytial virusNatural killer cell activation by respiratory syncytial virus-specific antibodies is decreased in infants with severe respiratory infections and correlates with Fc-glycosylation.ArticleClin Transl Immunology 2020; 9(2):e1112