Jaarsveld JA van2012-12-122012-12-121990-07-31http://hdl.handle.net/10029/256335Abstract niet beschikbaarAn operational model is described which is intended for the calculation of long term average air concentrations and depositions for a range of substances and on various spatial scales. Next to a short description of the model principles, this report contains also a specification of the model and an explanation to the required input parameters. A comparison of model predictions with observations is given, leading to an estimation of uncertainties in model results. Finally, three application examples have been worked out.application/pdf112 p3587 kben1591-1atmosferisch transportmodelluchtconcentratiedepositie; prioritaire stoffenatmospheric transport modelair concentration; depositionpriority substancesAn Operational atmospheric transport model for Priority Substances; specification and instructions for useEen Operationeel atmosferisch transportmodel voor Prioritaire Stoffen ; specificatie en aanwijzingen voor gebruik.Report2012-12-12