van de Laar RTHde Vries IMeulenbelt J2012-12-122012-12-121992-08-31 1991 a prospective study on occupational pesticide poisoning in agricultural workers was conducted to determine the extent and severity of pesticide poisoning in the Netherlands and the circumstances leading to these poisonings. All cases of potential occupational pesticide poisoning in which the National Poison Control Centre was consulted, were studied by an occupational hygienist and a specialist in internal medicine. Intervieuws with the patients were held at the site of exposure. After the exclusion of several patients (non-occupational, non-agricultural, patients with illnesses not related to the handling of pesticides) 54 cases were eligible for study. In 23 cases pesticide exposure caused skin and/or eye lesions and in 13 cases systemic effects were involved. This report contains details on health problems, occupational circumstances of exposure and recommendations for preventive measures.<br>68 pnl06bestrijdingsmiddelenacute intoxicatiearbeidssituatieblootstellinglandbouwtuinbouwbosbouwpesticidespoisoningacute diseaseoccupational exposureoccupational diseasesagriculturehorticultureforestryAcute arbeidsintoxicaties door gebruik van bestrijdingsmiddelen in de bos-, land- en tuinbouwAcute occupational poisoning with pesticides in agricultureReport2012-12-12