Schouten AJEsbroek MLP van2012-12-122012-12-121994-02-28 niet beschikbaarPart one of the evaluation report gives a complete outline of the soil ecological research that was carried out between 1984 and 1993, by the section Terrestrial Ecology (LBG/RIVM). Practical research in the laboratory and field has been done, as a basis for general advisory tasks to support of the process of legislation for soil protection. For reasons of feasibility, the research was emphasized on the ecology and ecotoxicology of the free-living soil nematodes. Eighteen projects were carried out between 1984 and 1993. They can be grouped in 4 themes: 1) Ecological soil typology. 2). Effects of disturbance and pollution. 3) Ecological recovery. 4) biomonitoring. It was estimated that in total 46 'man-year' were invested in the nematode research program. Theme 2 was the main area of research (27 man-year). Further project management aspects are given in paragraph 3.6. The research resulted in 17 publications, 10 RIVM-reports and 22 student- reports. The development of the research was discussed with policymakers from the Soil Department. Comparison was made with former and recent need for knowledge of soil ecological processes. The nematode research itself was examined for its scientific value and innovation, collaboration network and future possibilities in new (and applied) soil biological studies.117 pnl05bodemecologieecotoxicologienematodenbio-monitoringonderzoekevaluatiesoilecologyecotoxicologynematodabiomonitoringresearchevaluationnematodesEvaluatie van het bodemecologisch onderzoek aan vrijlevende nematoden op het RIVM. Deel 1: Historisch overzicht, behaalde resultaten en perspectieven voor de toekomst[Evaluation of the soil ecological research on free-living nematodes at the RIVM. Part 1: Historical outline, research results and prespectives for the future.]Report2012-12-12