Fischer PHLebret Evan Kessel A2017-02-201992-10-31This report describes the association between summer type air pollution and respiratory effects in schoolchildren. During the summers of 1988 and 1989 samples of schoolchildren were followed during several months with respect to their pulmonary function in relation to ambient air pollution. As an indicator for the mixture of summer type air pollution ozone was used. During the summer of 1988 no elevated ozone levels occurred, however during the summer of 1989 relatively high ozone levels up to 230 mug/m3 were measured. No associations between pulmonary function and ozone concentrations were seen in the 1988 sample; in the 1989 sample statistically significant negative associations between several pulmonary function parameters and outdoor ozone concentration were found. The strongest association was found between Peak Expiratory Flow and ozone (approximately 8% decrease at a 200 mug/m3 increase in the ozone concentration). The decrements were slightly lower when the association was adjusted for outdoor temperature. No relationships between presence or absence of chronic respiratory symptoms and the magnitude of the ozone response were found. No relationship between acute respiratory symptoms and ozone concentrations were found. From the results it is concluded that acute respiratory effects of ozone were found below the current 1 hour standard of 240 mug/m3.<br>62 pnl06smogozoneffectengezondheidlongenlongfunctieademhalingsstelselkinderen92-4smogozonehealth effectsrespiratory systemchildrenrespiratory tract diseasesAcute effecten van zomersmog op de luchtwegen van basisschoolkinderenAcute effects of summer type air pollution on respiratory health of schoolchildrenReport2017-02-20