Ruimtelijke verdeling van ammoniakconcentraties in Nederland gemeten met passieve samplers
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Ruimtelijke verdeling van ammoniakconcentraties in Nederland gemeten met passieve samplers
Translated Title
Spatial distribution of ammonia concentrations in the Netherlands measured with passive samplers
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Voor het verkrijgen van een ruimtelijke beeld van de ammoniakconcentratie in Nederland is van september 2000 t/m september 2001 op een grid van 15 x 15 km (159 locaties) met passieve samplers ammoniak gemeten. De hoogste ammoniakconcentraties gerepresenteerd door het grid komen in alle maanden voor in het oosten van Noord-Brabant en noorden van Limburg met een jaargemiddelde concentratie van 15 ug/m3. Verhoogde concentraties van tegen de 10 ug/m3 komen voor in de Gelderse Vallei, de Achterhoek en Twente en van ongeveer 7 ug/m3 in het midden van Overijssel en Friesland. De gemiddelde ammoniak concentratie per maand in Nederland varieerde van 4 ug/m3 in het najaar van 2000 tot 9,6 ug/m3 in mei 2001 met een jaargemiddelde van 6,6 ug/m3. Het jaargemiddelde van de 159 meetlocaties levert ook 6,6 ug/m3 op, terwijl het gemiddelde op de acht LML-locaties hoger is met 7,8 ug/m3.<br>
To obtain a spatial distribution of the ammonia concentrations in the Netherlands measurements of ammonia have been performed on a grid of 15 x 15 km (159 locations) with passive samplers from September 2000 until September 2001. The highest ammonia concentrations represented by the grid are observed in all months in the East of Noord-Brabant and the North of Limburg with yearly average concentrations of 15 ug/m3. Elevated concentrations of about 10 ug/m3 are seen in the Gelderse Vallei, the Achterhoek and Twente and concentrations of about 7 ug/m3 are seen in central Overijssel and Friesland. De monthly ammonia concentrations averaged over the Netherlands varied from 4 ug/m3 in fall of 2000 to 9.6 ug/m3 in May 2001 with a yearly average of 6.6 ug/m3. The yearly average concentration calculated from the 159 measurement locations yields also 6.6 ug/m3, while the average on the eight LML-locations is higher with 7.8 ug/m3.<br>
To obtain a spatial distribution of the ammonia concentrations in the Netherlands measurements of ammonia have been performed on a grid of 15 x 15 km (159 locations) with passive samplers from September 2000 until September 2001. The highest ammonia concentrations represented by the grid are observed in all months in the East of Noord-Brabant and the North of Limburg with yearly average concentrations of 15 ug/m3. Elevated concentrations of about 10 ug/m3 are seen in the Gelderse Vallei, the Achterhoek and Twente and concentrations of about 7 ug/m3 are seen in central Overijssel and Friesland. De monthly ammonia concentrations averaged over the Netherlands varied from 4 ug/m3 in fall of 2000 to 9.6 ug/m3 in May 2001 with a yearly average of 6.6 ug/m3. The yearly average concentration calculated from the 159 measurement locations yields also 6.6 ug/m3, while the average on the eight LML-locations is higher with 7.8 ug/m3.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
Directie RIVM