RIVM Publications Repository
Each year the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) produces numerous reports and publications on all aspects of public health, nutrition and food, health care, disaster management, nature and the environment.
In addition, RIVM employees publish scientific articles in national and international journals.
Elk jaar brengt het Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) talloze rapporten en adviezen uit over volksgezondheid en gezondheidszorg, voeding, natuur en milieu en rampenbestrijding.
Daarnaast publiceren RIVM-medewerkers wetenschappelijke artikelen in (inter-)nationale tijdschriften.
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Publication Publication Stripping down sustainability assessments for easier comparison of innovative recycling options(2024-10-23)In this short communication we propose a screening approach for assessing the sustainability of new recycling options. Before performing a full comparative LCA it is useful to perform a simplified LCA because of the lower data intensity. The impact categories are limited to greenhouse gas emissions and land use. As an example car tire recycling is shown. This screening approach is already useful for decision makers and can be used by stakeholders to compare innovative with the baseline technology.
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