Interimrapportage van onderzoek naar gastro-enteritis in huisartsenpeilstations (NIVEL 1996-1997). Methoden en resultaten van de eerste vijf maanden
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Interimrapportage van onderzoek naar gastro-enteritis in huisartsenpeilstations (NIVEL 1996-1997). Methoden en resultaten van de eerste vijf maanden
Translated Title
Interim-report of a research into gastro-enteritis in sentinel practices in the Netherlands, 1996-1997. Methods and results of the first five months
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Vanaf januari 1996 worden consulten wegens gastro-enteritis geregistreerd door NIVEL-peilstationartsen in Nederland. Tevens wordt sinds mei 1996 een patient-controleonderzoek uitgevoerd onder deze patienten en op leeftijd gematchte controles die de huisarts consulteren met andere klachten dan gastro-enteritis. Patienten en controles worden gevraagd een vragenlijst in te vullen en een faecesmonster te verzamelen. Met behulp van een vragenlijst wordt informatie verzameld over onder andere leeftijd, geslacht, hoogst voltooide opleiding, nationaliteit, bezoek aan buitenland, zwemmen, geconsumeerde voedselproducten, voedselbehandeling, chronische maag-darmklachten en huisdierbezit. Faecesmonsters worden onderzocht op Salmonella, Campylobacter, Yersinia, Shigella, E.coli O157/VTEC, rotavirus, adenovirus, astrovirus, SRSV en alle darmparasieten. In dit rapport worden de studie-opzet en de resultaten tot september 1996 gepresenteerd. De incidentie van gastro-enteritis, gebaseerd op de registratie van januari tot september 1996 was 0,8 per 100 persoonjaren. Een vragenlijst en faecesmonter werden ontvangen van 64% van de geregistreerde patienten. In 53% van de patienten en in 53% van de controles werd een pathogeen micro-organisme gevonden. Deze studie wordt in 1997 voortgezet.<br>
From January 1996 consultations of gastro-enteritis are being registered in sentinel practices in the Netherlands. In parallel, from May 1996, a case-control study is carried out among patients consulting a general practitioner with gastro-enteritis and age-matched controls consulting the same practitioner with other complaints. Patients and controls were asked to complete a questionnaire and to collect a stool sample. With a questionnaire information was obtained about age, gender, highest education, nationality, visits abroad, swimming, consumed foods, foodhandling, chronic gastro-intestinal complaints, pet ownership and others. Stool samples were examined for Campylobacter, Salmonella, Yersinia, Shigella, E.coli O157/VTEC, rotavirus, adenovirus, astrovirus, SRSV and all intestinal parasites. This report presents the study design and results until September 1996. The overall incidence of gastro-enteritis based on the sentinel registration from January until September 1996 was 0.8 per 100 person years. A questionnaire and stool sample were received of 64% of the registered patients. In 53% of patients and 53% of controls a pathogen was found. The registration and the case-control is being continued in 1997.<br>
From January 1996 consultations of gastro-enteritis are being registered in sentinel practices in the Netherlands. In parallel, from May 1996, a case-control study is carried out among patients consulting a general practitioner with gastro-enteritis and age-matched controls consulting the same practitioner with other complaints. Patients and controls were asked to complete a questionnaire and to collect a stool sample. With a questionnaire information was obtained about age, gender, highest education, nationality, visits abroad, swimming, consumed foods, foodhandling, chronic gastro-intestinal complaints, pet ownership and others. Stool samples were examined for Campylobacter, Salmonella, Yersinia, Shigella, E.coli O157/VTEC, rotavirus, adenovirus, astrovirus, SRSV and all intestinal parasites. This report presents the study design and results until September 1996. The overall incidence of gastro-enteritis based on the sentinel registration from January until September 1996 was 0.8 per 100 person years. A questionnaire and stool sample were received of 64% of the registered patients. In 53% of patients and 53% of controls a pathogen was found. The registration and the case-control is being continued in 1997.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM