Assessment of allergic potential of chemicals for respiratory allergy
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Journal Issue
Assessment of allergic potential of chemicals for respiratory allergy
Translated Title
Vaststelling van de potentie van inductie van respiratoire allergeniciteit door chemicalien
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Geschat wordt dat ongeveer 10% van de westerse wereld regelmatig CARA (Chronische Aspecifieke Respiratoire Aandoeningen) waaronder astmaklachten heeft. Naast een erfelijke component is bekend dat immunologische overgevoeligheidsreacties tegen ingeademde stoffen (allergenen) een belangrijke rol spelen bij respiratoire aandoeningen zoals CARA. Bij meer dan de helft van het aantal astma patienten betreft dit type I overgevoeligheidsreacties (allergische astma). Astma dat niet door type I reacties wordt geinduceerd kan niet-immunologisch geinduceerd zijn (intrinsieke astma, niet-allergische astma) of geinduceerd zijn door andere typen van immunologische overgevoeligheidsreakties. Voorbeelden van dergelijke typen overgevoeligheidsreacties zijn type III en IV overgevoeligheid. Om het risico van blootstelling aan chemische stoffen te schatten zijn voorspellende testen noodzakelijk. Deze testen moeten dan aangeven of een bepaalde klein-moleculaire verbinding een of meerdere typen van overgevoeligheid kan induceren. De meerderheid van de beschikbare testen zijn beperkt tot testen voor de inductie van huidovergevoeligheid (type IV). De toepasbaarheid van dit type (huid)testen met betrekking tot voorspellende inductie van luchtwegovergevoeligheid is beperkt. In dit rapport wordt een getrapt systeem voorgesteld voor de identificatie en karakterisatie van klein-moleculaire verbindingen als potentieel allergeen ten aanzien van de huid of de ademhalingswegen.<br>
At least 10% of the population of the western world is suffering from respiratory syndromes with characteristics of asthma or COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). In addition to inheritable components, it is well known that exaggerated immune responses against inhaled compounds can lead to respiratory allergy. More than 50% of the number of asthma cases are induced by type I hypersensitivity immune reactions (i.e. allergic or extrinsic asthma). The asthma cases that are not induced by these type I hypersensitivity reactions can be non-immunologically mediated (i.e. intrinsic asthma) or induced by other types of hypersensitivity reactions such as type III or IV hypersensitivity. Predictive tests with respect to the capacity of chemicals to induce one or more types of respiratory hypersensitivity are necessary in order to estimate the risk for exposure to these chemicals. The majority of the predictive tests are restricted to tests which are aimed to test the capacity of chemicals to induce skin-type hypersensitivity reactions (type IV). The applicability of these tests for predictive testing regarding the capacity of chemicals to induce respiratory hypersensitivity is restricted. In the present report a step-by-step approach is proposed for the identification and characterization of small molecular weight compounds as potential allergens, pertaining to the skin and the respiratory tract.<br>
At least 10% of the population of the western world is suffering from respiratory syndromes with characteristics of asthma or COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). In addition to inheritable components, it is well known that exaggerated immune responses against inhaled compounds can lead to respiratory allergy. More than 50% of the number of asthma cases are induced by type I hypersensitivity immune reactions (i.e. allergic or extrinsic asthma). The asthma cases that are not induced by these type I hypersensitivity reactions can be non-immunologically mediated (i.e. intrinsic asthma) or induced by other types of hypersensitivity reactions such as type III or IV hypersensitivity. Predictive tests with respect to the capacity of chemicals to induce one or more types of respiratory hypersensitivity are necessary in order to estimate the risk for exposure to these chemicals. The majority of the predictive tests are restricted to tests which are aimed to test the capacity of chemicals to induce skin-type hypersensitivity reactions (type IV). The applicability of these tests for predictive testing regarding the capacity of chemicals to induce respiratory hypersensitivity is restricted. In the present report a step-by-step approach is proposed for the identification and characterization of small molecular weight compounds as potential allergens, pertaining to the skin and the respiratory tract.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM