Het voorkomen van Salmonella in faeces en mesenteriale lymfklieren van normale Nederlandse slachtvarkens
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Het voorkomen van Salmonella in faeces en mesenteriale lymfklieren van normale Nederlandse slachtvarkens
Translated Title
The occurrence of Salmonella in feces and mesenteric lymph nodes of normal slaughter pigs in the Netherlands
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In februari en maart 1997 werd onderzoek verricht naar het voorkomen van Salmonella in varkens die in Nederland de slachtlijn passeren. Per varken werden twee monsters onderzocht: een monster rectuminhoud en een monster mesenteriale lymfklieren. De monsters werden verzameld in zes grote varkensslachterijen. Uit 159 (39,8%) van de 400 onderzochte varkens werd Salmonella geisoleerd: uit 95 (23,8%) monsters rectuminhoud en uit 106 (26,5%) monsters mesenteriale lymfklieren. Bij 53 (13,3%) van de 400 varkens werd Salmonella geisoleerd uit uitsluitend monsters rectuminhoud, bij 64 (16,0%) varkens uit uitsluitend monsters mesenteriale lymfklieren en bij 42 (10,5%) varkens uit beide monsters. In totaal werden 201 Salmonella stammen geisoleerd, waarvan 199 behoorden tot 12 verschillende serotypen en 2 niet typeerbaar bleken. S. Typhimurium en S. Infantis werden het meest frequent geisoleerd. Van de 201 Salmonella isolaten behoorden er 88 (43,8%) tot S. Typhimurium en 41 (20,4%) tot S. Infantis. Met een betrouwbaarheid van 95% kan worden gesteld dat 25,9 tot 55,7% van de varkens die in februari en maart van 1997 in Nederland de slachtlijn passeerden positief was voor Salmonella. Op grond van de sero- en faagtyperingsresultaten kan worden geconcludeerd dat varkens nog steeds een belangrijke bron van salmonellose bij de mens vormen.<br>
During February and March of 1997, we conducted a study on the occurrence of Salmonella in normal slaughter pigs sampled at 6 major pig slaughterhouses in the Netherlands. Immediately after slaughter, two samples were taken from each pig: a sample of rectal contents and a sample of mesenteric lymph nodes. Salmonella was isolated from 159 (39.8%) of 400 slaughter pigs examined: from 95 (23.8%) samples of rectal contents and from 106 (26.5%) samples of mesenteric lymph nodes. For 53 (13.3%) of the 400 pigs only samples of rectal contents were found positive, for 64 (16.0%) pigs only samples of mesenteric lymph nodes were positive, and for 42 (10.5%) pigs both samples of rectal contents and samples of mesenteric lymph nodes were positive. Of the 201 Salmonella strains isolated 199 belonged to 12 distinct serotypes and two were untypable. S. Typhimurium and S. Infantis were isolated most frequently. Among the 201 Salmonella isolates S. Typhimurium and S. Infantis were identified 88 (43.8%) and 41 (20.4%) times, respectively. It can be stated that 25.9 to 55.7% (95%-confidence) of the pigs that had been slaughtered in the Netherlands in February and March of 1997 had been infected with Salmonella. Furthermore, it can be concluded from the results of sero-and phagetyping that pigs are still an important source of Salmonella-infection in humans.<br>
During February and March of 1997, we conducted a study on the occurrence of Salmonella in normal slaughter pigs sampled at 6 major pig slaughterhouses in the Netherlands. Immediately after slaughter, two samples were taken from each pig: a sample of rectal contents and a sample of mesenteric lymph nodes. Salmonella was isolated from 159 (39.8%) of 400 slaughter pigs examined: from 95 (23.8%) samples of rectal contents and from 106 (26.5%) samples of mesenteric lymph nodes. For 53 (13.3%) of the 400 pigs only samples of rectal contents were found positive, for 64 (16.0%) pigs only samples of mesenteric lymph nodes were positive, and for 42 (10.5%) pigs both samples of rectal contents and samples of mesenteric lymph nodes were positive. Of the 201 Salmonella strains isolated 199 belonged to 12 distinct serotypes and two were untypable. S. Typhimurium and S. Infantis were isolated most frequently. Among the 201 Salmonella isolates S. Typhimurium and S. Infantis were identified 88 (43.8%) and 41 (20.4%) times, respectively. It can be stated that 25.9 to 55.7% (95%-confidence) of the pigs that had been slaughtered in the Netherlands in February and March of 1997 had been infected with Salmonella. Furthermore, it can be concluded from the results of sero-and phagetyping that pigs are still an important source of Salmonella-infection in humans.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
Veterinaire Hoofdinspectie van de Volksgezondheid