Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Evaluatie VOS-beleid in de
Translated Title
Evaluation VOC policy in
Published in
Deze studie evalueert het beleid t.a.v. Vluchtige
Organische Stoffen (VOS-beleid) in de industrie over de afgelopen 15 jaar en
geeft een doorkijk naar 2010. Centraal in het tot nu toe gevoerde beleid
stonden convenanten tussen overheid en bedrijfstakken in het kader van het
programma KoolWaterStoffen 2000. We concluderen dat de VOS-convenanten
redelijk succesvol zijn. De doelstelling om de industriele VOS-emissies
door implementatie van milieutechnieken met minimaal 55% te reduceren tussen
1981 en 2000 is gehaald. Voor 5 belangrijke bedrijfstakken zijn
verschillende factoren (waaronder beleidsinstrumenten) in kaart gebracht,
die van invloed waren op de implementatie van die technieken. Een
hulpmiddel daarbij was een nieuw expertondersteunend computermodel, dat
helder en inzichtelijk de simulatie van deze implementatie mogelijk maakte.
Succesfactoren waren de aanwezigheid van beschikbare technieken, die
bedrijfs-economisch betaalbaar en makkelijk in het productieproces inpasbaar
waren, in combinatie met een redelijjke beleidsdruk vanuit de
vergunningverlening (uitvoering en handhaving). In 2010 wordt bij de
huidige beleidsintensiteit, in de beschouwde sectoren, hooguit 15%
emissiereductie ten opzichte van 2000 verwacht. Bij intensivering van de
beleidsdruk kan een reductie van circa 30-35% bereikt worden. Een
dergelijke intensivering is nodig indien de industriele sectoren evenredig
bij gaan dragen aan het behalen van het in NMP-4 vastgestelde emissieplafond
voor de industriesector in 2010.
This study evaluates the Dutch industrial environmental policy on emissions of Volatile Organic Substances (VOC) in the last 15 years and provides insight into VOC emissions in the Netherlands in 2010. Up till now, voluntary agreements between public authorities and industrial branches within the framework of the Dutch VOC2000 programme, called KWS2000, have made an important contribution to the VOC policy. Voluntary agreements are concluded to be reasonably successful. The target for reducing industrial VOC emissions by at least 55% between 1981 and 2000 through the implementation of environmental technologies has been reached. Different factors of influence (e.g. policy instruments) on the implementation process were characterised for five important industrial branches. A new expert-support computer model was used as a tool to simulate the implementation of environmental technologies and to provide insight into the basic assumptions and data used. The success of the voluntary agreements was found in the embedding of the agreements in the practice of granting and enforcing permits in combination with the availability and affordability (from a company point of view) of technologies, and the compatibility of these with the existing technological system. Considering the present environmental policy pressure on VOC emission reduction, about 15% emission reduction at the most can be achieved between 2000 and 2010 in the evaluated branches of industry. Intensification of policy pressure could lead to about 30-35% reduction. This intensification is needed to reaching the VOC emission ceiling for the industrial sector in the Netherlands, as agreed in the 4th National Environmental Policy Plan (NMP-4).
This study evaluates the Dutch industrial environmental policy on emissions of Volatile Organic Substances (VOC) in the last 15 years and provides insight into VOC emissions in the Netherlands in 2010. Up till now, voluntary agreements between public authorities and industrial branches within the framework of the Dutch VOC2000 programme, called KWS2000, have made an important contribution to the VOC policy. Voluntary agreements are concluded to be reasonably successful. The target for reducing industrial VOC emissions by at least 55% between 1981 and 2000 through the implementation of environmental technologies has been reached. Different factors of influence (e.g. policy instruments) on the implementation process were characterised for five important industrial branches. A new expert-support computer model was used as a tool to simulate the implementation of environmental technologies and to provide insight into the basic assumptions and data used. The success of the voluntary agreements was found in the embedding of the agreements in the practice of granting and enforcing permits in combination with the availability and affordability (from a company point of view) of technologies, and the compatibility of these with the existing technological system. Considering the present environmental policy pressure on VOC emission reduction, about 15% emission reduction at the most can be achieved between 2000 and 2010 in the evaluated branches of industry. Intensification of policy pressure could lead to about 30-35% reduction. This intensification is needed to reaching the VOC emission ceiling for the industrial sector in the Netherlands, as agreed in the 4th National Environmental Policy Plan (NMP-4).