Evaluatie normeringskader (her)gebruik secundaire bouwstoffen
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2024-0074
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Evaluatie normeringskader (her)gebruik secundaire bouwstoffen
Translated Title
Evaluation of the standards framework on use and reuse of secondary building materials
Published in
Steeds vaker worden 'secundaire bouwstoffen' opnieuw gebruikt. Dit is een belangrijk onderdeel van de circulaire economie die de overheid in 2050 wil bereiken. Het RIVM heeft de normen voor het gebruik van deze bouwstoffen geƫvalueerd en verkend welke knelpunten er in de praktijk zijn. Het doet vier aanbevelingen voor vervolgonderzoek. Secondaire bouwstoffen zijn materialen die overblijven na productieprocessen. Denk aan staalslakken bij de productie van staal en beton bij de sloop van oude gebouwen. Er bestaan normen om deze bouwstoffen veilig te kunnen (her)gebruiken, maar deze zijn sinds 2007 niet meer veranderd. Ondertussen zijn er wel nieuwe soorten bouwstoffen ontstaan. Ook worden bouwstoffen op een andere manier gebruikt dan waarvoor de normen toen zijn bepaald. Hierdoor ontstond de vraag of de bestaande normen nog geschikt zijn. Deze vraag is onderdeel van de herijking van de bodemregelgeving waar het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat (IenW) mee bezig is. De normen blijken nu niet genoeg rekening te houden met de bijzondere eigenschappen die sommige soorten bouwstoffen kunnen hebben. Ze worden nu te algemeen beoordeeld. Ook worden bouwstoffen in dikkere lagen en grotere hoeveelheden gebruikt dan was bedacht. Hierdoor kunnen bouwstoffen bij de toetsing wel aan de normen voldoen, maar in de praktijk toch ongewenste milieueffecten veroorzaken. De vier aanbevelingen voor vervolgonderzoek zijn: 1. Houd rekening met het effect van de zuurgraad van bouwstoffen. Sommige bouwstoffen hebben kort nadat ze zijn gemaakt een lage zuurgraad (of hoge pH). Na een tijd kan de zuurgraad door natuurlijke processen toenemen (de pH zakt), waardoor sommige metalen in grotere hoeveelheden uit bouwstoffen kunnen vrijkomen. 2. Ontwikkel een methode om nieuwe stoffen in bouwstoffen op tijd op te merken. 3. Breng opnieuw in kaart welke (nieuwe) stoffen in secondaire bouwstoffen kunnen zitten en bepaal hiervoor normen. 4. Ontwikkel een methode om te beoordelen of bouwstoffen meerdere keren veilig kunnen worden (her)gebruikt. Op basis van de resultaten van deze studie en de vervolgstudies kan de beoordeling van het (her)gebruik bouwstoffen worden verbeterd. Op termijn kan de normstelling hierop worden aangepast.
'Secondary building materials' are increasingly being reused. This is an important aspect of the circular economy that the Dutch government aims to realise by 2050. RIVM has evaluated the standards for the use of these building materials and has explored the obstacles problems in practice. It has made four recommendations for follow-up research. Secondary building materials are materials left over after production processes. This includes, for example, steel slag from the production of steel and concrete from the demolition of old buildings. Standards apply for safe use and reuse of these materials, but they standards have remained unchanged since 2007. However, there are now new kinds of new building materials, and materials are being used in different ways than the methods for which the standards were developed at the time. This raised the question of whether these standards are still fit for purpose. This question is now part of the recalibration of soil regulations that the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management is working on. The present standards seem to insufficiently take into account the unique characteristics that some types of building materials can have. They are currently being handled assessed too generally. Building materials are also being used in thicker layers and larger quantities than would have been expected at the time. As a result, building materials can meet the standards while in practice still causing undesirable environmental effects. The four recommendations for follow-up research are: 1. Take the effect of the pH value of building materials into account. Some building materials will have a low degree of acidity (or high pH value) just after their productioncreation, but this degree of acidity can increase over time (the pH value drops) through natural processes, resulting in some metals being released from the materials in larger quantities than expected. 2. Develop a method to detect new substances in building materials in time. 3. Identify what (new) chemical compounds can be found in secondary building materials and establish standards. 4. Develop a method for assessing whether building materials can be used and reused safely multiple times. Based on the results of this study and follow-up studies, the assessment of the (re)use of building materials can be improved.In the long term, the standards can be adjusted to take this into account.
'Secondary building materials' are increasingly being reused. This is an important aspect of the circular economy that the Dutch government aims to realise by 2050. RIVM has evaluated the standards for the use of these building materials and has explored the obstacles problems in practice. It has made four recommendations for follow-up research. Secondary building materials are materials left over after production processes. This includes, for example, steel slag from the production of steel and concrete from the demolition of old buildings. Standards apply for safe use and reuse of these materials, but they standards have remained unchanged since 2007. However, there are now new kinds of new building materials, and materials are being used in different ways than the methods for which the standards were developed at the time. This raised the question of whether these standards are still fit for purpose. This question is now part of the recalibration of soil regulations that the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management is working on. The present standards seem to insufficiently take into account the unique characteristics that some types of building materials can have. They are currently being handled assessed too generally. Building materials are also being used in thicker layers and larger quantities than would have been expected at the time. As a result, building materials can meet the standards while in practice still causing undesirable environmental effects. The four recommendations for follow-up research are: 1. Take the effect of the pH value of building materials into account. Some building materials will have a low degree of acidity (or high pH value) just after their productioncreation, but this degree of acidity can increase over time (the pH value drops) through natural processes, resulting in some metals being released from the materials in larger quantities than expected. 2. Develop a method to detect new substances in building materials in time. 3. Identify what (new) chemical compounds can be found in secondary building materials and establish standards. 4. Develop a method for assessing whether building materials can be used and reused safely multiple times. Based on the results of this study and follow-up studies, the assessment of the (re)use of building materials can be improved.In the long term, the standards can be adjusted to take this into account.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM