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Research Projects
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Journal Issue
Update of risk assessment models for the indirect human exposure
Translated Title
Herziening van risicobeoordelingsmodellen voor de indirecte humane blootstelling
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Dit rapport beschrijft de evaluatie van indirecte humane blootstellingsmodellen, die worden gebruikt in de risicobeoordelingsinstrumenten EUSES en CSOIL. De validiteit van deze modellen is vaak onduidelijk en daarom worden alternatieve methoden voorgesteld. Het huidige gewasmodel blijkt geschikt te zijn om de route van lucht en bodem naar de plant te beschrijven. Het model kan nog wel worden verbeterd wanneer bijvoorbeeld het deeltjesgebonden transport vanuit de lucht naar het blad wordt toegevoegd. De twee vergelijkingen, die de bioconcentratie in vis beschrijven, schijnen voldoende valide te zijn. De meetgegevens zijn echter onzeker en voor hydrofobe stoffen worden ernstige afwijkingen berekend. Bij gebruik van het model dat de concentratie in vlees en melk schat moet rekening worden gehouden met grote onzekerheden, wat vooral van belang is voor hydrofobe stoffen. De methode om de zuiveringsfactoren te schatten voor het gebruik van drinkwater is behoorlijk slecht en schetsmatig. Er moeten meer Europese gegevens beschikbaar komen om de huidige benadering te actualiseren en te valideren. Het model voor de humane bodeminname zou ook de inname van huisstof moeten meenemen, omdat een gedeelte van huisstof afkomstig is uit de bodem. Naast de al genoemde verbeteringen, wordt verder nog nader onderzoek voorgesteld voor de verschillende blootstellingsroutes.
This report describes the research into the methodology of the indirect human exposure models using two risk assessment tools, EUSES and CSOIL. Alternatives are proposed to the methodology of the indirect human exposure models, considering that their validity often remains unclear. The current plant model proved to function as an appropriate exposure route from air and soil to crops. However, improvements such as adding the particle-bound transport to leaves and using separate parameters for roots and leaves are recommended. The two equations describing the indirect exposure via fish seem sufficiently valid. Nevertheless, measured data is uncertain and the equation for hydrophobic substances leaves room for improvement. Large uncertainties for meat and milk are to be expected in the model, especially for hydrophobic chemicals. The method estimating the purification factors for the ingestion of drinking water can be seen as being rough and near worst case in its application. This method must also be updated, preferably with more European experimental data. The ingestion of soil should also include the ingestion of house dust, because part of this dust originates in the soil. In addition to the mentioned improvements, this report proposes further research for the different exposure routes.
This report describes the research into the methodology of the indirect human exposure models using two risk assessment tools, EUSES and CSOIL. Alternatives are proposed to the methodology of the indirect human exposure models, considering that their validity often remains unclear. The current plant model proved to function as an appropriate exposure route from air and soil to crops. However, improvements such as adding the particle-bound transport to leaves and using separate parameters for roots and leaves are recommended. The two equations describing the indirect exposure via fish seem sufficiently valid. Nevertheless, measured data is uncertain and the equation for hydrophobic substances leaves room for improvement. Large uncertainties for meat and milk are to be expected in the model, especially for hydrophobic chemicals. The method estimating the purification factors for the ingestion of drinking water can be seen as being rough and near worst case in its application. This method must also be updated, preferably with more European experimental data. The ingestion of soil should also include the ingestion of house dust, because part of this dust originates in the soil. In addition to the mentioned improvements, this report proposes further research for the different exposure routes.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM