Verkeer en Vervoer in de Nationale Milieuverkenning 2
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Verkeer en Vervoer in de Nationale Milieuverkenning
Translated Title
Traffic and Transport in the (Dutch) National
Environmental Outlook 1990-2010
Published in
Abstract niet beschikbaar
In the autumn of 1991 the second Dutch National Environmental Forecast of the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM) was published. For some of the subjects the forecast deals with, the figues and conclusions are explained in background documents. This report is the background documents for traffic and transport. For traffic and transport the main conclusions are: The goals for car use can be realised, if the complete policy for traffic and transport is brought into practice, including the complete price policy (increase of fuel prices and parking fees, road pricing, park fees). Taking into account the political problems and the resistance of car users, the goals are very vulnerable. Road transport will increase by about 70% between 1986 and 2010. The emission of NOx per kilometer will be reduced by about 50%. As a result, the total nox emission in 2010 will be reduced, but not enough to reach the goals for 2000 and 2010. To reach these goals, more measures or technical breakthroughs are necessary. To reach the CO2 emission goals for 2010, additional measures are necessary. A very strong increase in air traffic is expected. Recent studies show that there may by more environmental damage of aircraft than expected until now. There is no policy to reduce the growth of air traffic and the environmental problems related to it. Additional measures are needed the goals for 2010 for noise and local airpollution.
In the autumn of 1991 the second Dutch National Environmental Forecast of the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM) was published. For some of the subjects the forecast deals with, the figues and conclusions are explained in background documents. This report is the background documents for traffic and transport. For traffic and transport the main conclusions are: The goals for car use can be realised, if the complete policy for traffic and transport is brought into practice, including the complete price policy (increase of fuel prices and parking fees, road pricing, park fees). Taking into account the political problems and the resistance of car users, the goals are very vulnerable. Road transport will increase by about 70% between 1986 and 2010. The emission of NOx per kilometer will be reduced by about 50%. As a result, the total nox emission in 2010 will be reduced, but not enough to reach the goals for 2000 and 2010. To reach these goals, more measures or technical breakthroughs are necessary. To reach the CO2 emission goals for 2010, additional measures are necessary. A very strong increase in air traffic is expected. Recent studies show that there may by more environmental damage of aircraft than expected until now. There is no policy to reduce the growth of air traffic and the environmental problems related to it. Additional measures are needed the goals for 2010 for noise and local airpollution.