Op weg naar de VTV-2024. Definitierapport Volksgezondheid Toekomst Verkenning 2024
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Op weg naar de VTV-2024. Definitierapport Volksgezondheid Toekomst Verkenning 2024
Translated Title
Towards the Public Health Foresight Study 2024. Definition report for PHF-2024
Published in
Het RIVM verkent elke vier jaar welke ontwikkelingen er te verwachten zijn op het gebied van gezondheid en zorg. Het resultaat hiervan is de Volksgezondheid Toekomst Verkenning (VTV). De VTV is een belangrijke bron voor landelijk en lokaal beleid voor de gezondheid. Politieke partijen kunnen de informatie gebruiken voor hun verkiezingsprogramma's. De volgende VTV verschijnt in 2024. Dit definitierapport beschrijft de inhoud en aanpak van de VTV-2024. De VTV-2024 schetst een breed beeld van de toekomst van gezondheid en zorg. Het kijkt niet alleen naar ziekte en sterfte, maar ook naar de factoren die invloed hebben op gezondheid, zoals de leefomgeving en armoede. Verder kijkt de VTV niet alleen naar de cijfers, maar ook naar wat ze betekenen. Dit alles gebeurt op basis van de kennis van wetenschappelijke experts, binnen en buiten het RIVM, en professionals uit het veld. Ook wordt aan Nederlanders gevraagd hoe zij aankijken tegen gezondheid en zorg in de toekomst. De VTV-2024 berekent onder meer het aantal jaren dat mensen in 2050 in goede gezondheid zullen leven. Hiervoor bekijkt het RIVM hoe vaak allerlei ziekten en aandoeningen voorkomen, zoals diabetes, hart- en vaatziekten, kanker en psychische aandoeningen. Bij deze berekeningen wordt speciaal gekeken naar twee onzekere factoren die de gezondheid en zorg kunnen beïnvloeden: demografische ontwikkelingen (zoals migratie en ouderen) en de invloed van digitalisering op de zorg en de samenleving. Daarnaast gaat de VTV-2024 dieper in op drie thema's: Gezonde generaties in 2050 (jongeren en 60-plussers), Zorg en het sociale domein en Naar een gezonde leefomgeving en gezond klimaat. Binnen alle drie de thema's wordt ook stilgestaan bij de onderwerpen diversiteit en infectieziekten, zoals corona. Op basis van al deze kennis en inzichten benoemt de VTV-2024 voor welke maatschappelijke opgaven Nederland komt te staan. En hoe de maatschappij zich daarop volgens experts en burgers het beste kan voorbereiden: nu en in de toekomst.
Every four years, the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) conducts its Dutch Public Health Foresight Study (PHF), which looks at the developments that can be anticipated in terms of health and healthcare. The PHF is an important source for national and local health policy. Political parties can draw on the information for their election programmes. The next PHF is set to be published in 2024. This report describes PHF-2024's content and approach. PHF-2024 broadly outlines the future of health and healthcare. It looks not only at disease and mortality but also at the factors influencing health, such as living environment and poverty. In addition, it not only analyses the figures but also highlights their significance. All this is based on the knowledge of scientific experts, within and beyond RIVM, and of professionals out in the field. Dutch citizens are also asked for their views on the future of health and healthcare. PHF-2024 calculates such things as the number of years that people will be living in good health in 2050. To this end, it studies rates of all kinds of diseases and conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and psychiatric conditions. These calculations also consider two uncertain factors that could affect health and healthcare, namely demographic developments (such as migration and the elderly) and the influence of digitalisation on healthcare and society. Furthermore, PHF-2024 explores three topics in greater depth: Healthy generations in 2050 (young people and those aged 60+), Healthcare and the social domain and Towards a healthy living environment and healthy climate. All three topics include reflection on the topics of diversity and infectious diseases such as COVID-19. Based on all this knowledge and all these insights, PHF-2024 highlights the social challenges that the Netherlands will be faced with, as well as how society can best prepare for these, now and in the future, in the view of experts and citizens.
Every four years, the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) conducts its Dutch Public Health Foresight Study (PHF), which looks at the developments that can be anticipated in terms of health and healthcare. The PHF is an important source for national and local health policy. Political parties can draw on the information for their election programmes. The next PHF is set to be published in 2024. This report describes PHF-2024's content and approach. PHF-2024 broadly outlines the future of health and healthcare. It looks not only at disease and mortality but also at the factors influencing health, such as living environment and poverty. In addition, it not only analyses the figures but also highlights their significance. All this is based on the knowledge of scientific experts, within and beyond RIVM, and of professionals out in the field. Dutch citizens are also asked for their views on the future of health and healthcare. PHF-2024 calculates such things as the number of years that people will be living in good health in 2050. To this end, it studies rates of all kinds of diseases and conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and psychiatric conditions. These calculations also consider two uncertain factors that could affect health and healthcare, namely demographic developments (such as migration and the elderly) and the influence of digitalisation on healthcare and society. Furthermore, PHF-2024 explores three topics in greater depth: Healthy generations in 2050 (young people and those aged 60+), Healthcare and the social domain and Towards a healthy living environment and healthy climate. All three topics include reflection on the topics of diversity and infectious diseases such as COVID-19. Based on all this knowledge and all these insights, PHF-2024 highlights the social challenges that the Netherlands will be faced with, as well as how society can best prepare for these, now and in the future, in the view of experts and citizens.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM