Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2020-0202
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The 25th EURL-Salmonella workshop, 17 and 18 September 2020, Online
Translated Title
De 25e EURL-Salmonella workshop, 17 en 18 september 2020, Online
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Het RIVM heeft de verslagen gebundeld van de presentaties van de 25e workshop voor de Europese Nationale Referentie Laboratoria (NRL’s) voor Salmonella (17-18 september 2020). Deze workshop wordt elk jaar georganiseerd. Het doel is dat het overkoepelende orgaan, het Europese Referentie Laboratorium (EURL) voor Salmonella, en de NRL’s informatie uitwisselen. Door de uitbraak van het coronavirus is de workshop online georganiseerd.
In elke workshop is er veel aandacht voor de ringonderzoeken die het EURL elk jaar organiseert om de kwaliteit van de NRL’s te controleren. In 2020 is voor het eerst een ringonderzoek georganiseerd om Salmonella in mosselen te analyseren. De NRL’s scoorden goed in de ringonderzoeken van 2019 en 2020. In dit rapport staan de ringonderzoeken kort beschreven. Uitgebreide informatie staat in de rapporten die over elk ringonderzoek worden uitgegeven.
Om Salmonella heel precies te karakteriseren wordt Whole Genome Sequencing gebruikt. Verschillende presentaties lieten zien dat deze techniek goed te gebruiken is voor Salmonella. Vooral bij onderzoek naar uitbraken is deze techniek zeer waardevol.
Andere presentaties gaven informatie over andere methoden om Salmonella aan te tonen en te karakteriseren. Ook zijn de procedures om methoden te valideren en verifiëren uitgelegd.
Het EURL voor Salmonella, dat onderdeel is van het RIVM, organiseert deze workshop. Een belangrijke taak van het EURL-Salmonella is de kwaliteit van de nationale referentielaboratoria voor deze bacterie in Europa controleren.
This report gives a summary of the presentations held at the 25th annual workshop for the European National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) for Salmonella (17-18 September 2020). The aim of the workshop was to facilitate the exchange of information on the activities of the NRLs and the European Union Reference Laboratory for Salmonella (EURL-Salmonella). The workshop was organised as an online meeting for the first time due to the SARS-CoV-2-virus pandemic. Annual Proficiency Tests A recurring item at the workshops is the presentation of the results of the annual Proficiency Tests organised by the EURL. These provide information on the quality of the participating NRLs. In 2020, for the first time a Proficiency Test for the detection of Salmonella in mussels was organised. The NRLs had high scores in the 2019-2020 studies; detailed information on the results per Proficiency Test is available in separate RIVM reports. Next Generation Sequencing Whole Genome Sequencing is nowadays the method of choice for sub-typing microorganisms. In several presentations the application of this sequencing technique for Salmonella was shown. Especially for outbreak investigations this technique has shown to be a valuable tool. Analytical methods In the last session of the workshop, presentations were given on analytical methods for detection and typing of Salmonella. Also the procedures for validation and verification of methods were explained. The workshop was organised by the EURL-Salmonella, part of the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. The main task of the EURL-Salmonella is to evaluate the performance of the European NRLs in detecting and typing Salmonella in different products.
This report gives a summary of the presentations held at the 25th annual workshop for the European National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) for Salmonella (17-18 September 2020). The aim of the workshop was to facilitate the exchange of information on the activities of the NRLs and the European Union Reference Laboratory for Salmonella (EURL-Salmonella). The workshop was organised as an online meeting for the first time due to the SARS-CoV-2-virus pandemic. Annual Proficiency Tests A recurring item at the workshops is the presentation of the results of the annual Proficiency Tests organised by the EURL. These provide information on the quality of the participating NRLs. In 2020, for the first time a Proficiency Test for the detection of Salmonella in mussels was organised. The NRLs had high scores in the 2019-2020 studies; detailed information on the results per Proficiency Test is available in separate RIVM reports. Next Generation Sequencing Whole Genome Sequencing is nowadays the method of choice for sub-typing microorganisms. In several presentations the application of this sequencing technique for Salmonella was shown. Especially for outbreak investigations this technique has shown to be a valuable tool. Analytical methods In the last session of the workshop, presentations were given on analytical methods for detection and typing of Salmonella. Also the procedures for validation and verification of methods were explained. The workshop was organised by the EURL-Salmonella, part of the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. The main task of the EURL-Salmonella is to evaluate the performance of the European NRLs in detecting and typing Salmonella in different products.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
European Commission, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE)