Onderzoek naar luchtkwaliteit en beleving in een agrarisch gebied in Zuidoost-Brabant
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2024-0080
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Onderzoek naar luchtkwaliteit en beleving in een agrarisch gebied in Zuidoost-Brabant
Translated Title
Study into air quality and perception in an agricultural area in south-east Brabant
Published in
Er is meer kennis nodig over het effect van veehouderijen op de luchtkwaliteit. De vraag is hoe de concentratie luchtverontreinigende stoffen per dag, maand of seizoen verandert rondom een veehouderij. Daarom hebben enkele kennisorganisaties dit op verschillende plekken en met verschillende methoden in Zuidoost-Brabant onderzocht.
Voor dit onderzoek is de luchtkwaliteit gemeten op het erf van een veehouderij in Hulsel en bij mensen die daarbij in de buurt wonen. Hierbij is naar zowel de gemiddelde luchtkwaliteit gekeken, als naar pieken in luchtvervuilende stoffen. De resultaten zijn vergeleken met de luchtkwaliteit op een plek in een gemeente met veel (Deurne) en weinig (Heeze) veehouderijen.
Er was geen effect te zien van de veehouderij in Hulsel op de luchtkwaliteit bij omwonenden. Waarschijnlijk heeft het bedrijf daar wel invloed op, maar dat effect was niet te onderscheiden van het effect van andere bronnen in de directe omgeving en verder weg. Op basis van deze metingen op en rond één bedrijf zijn geen algemene conclusies te trekken.
In Hulsel is ook onderzocht hoe omwonenden hun leefomgeving ervaren. Er deden weinig mensen aan mee, waardoor over hun beleving geen harde conclusies zijn te trekken. De deelnemers gaven aan dat ze hun gezondheid en de leefomgeving meestal als goed waarderen. Verschillende bewoners meldden regelmatig geur van stallen en geluid van wegverkeer. Ze meldden weinig 'ernstige hinder'.
De gemeten concentraties ammoniak zijn laag, maar zorgen er wel voor dat er meer fijnstof in de lucht zit. Veel fijnstof in de lucht vergroot de kans op hart-, long- en vaatziekten. Het is niet te zeggen of de hoeveelheid fijnstof in dit gebied hoger is dan de advieswaarde van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie voor luchtkwaliteit. Daarvoor duurde het onderzoek te kort en moet minimaal een jaar worden gemeten.
Verder is op de plekken in de gemeenten met veel en weinig veehouderijen gekeken naar de hoeveelheid endotoxinen in de lucht; kleine stukjes celwand van bacteriën. Zij kunnen ook klachten aan de luchtwegen veroorzaken. De concentraties zijn op beide plekken lager dan de advieswaarde van de Gezondheidsraad.
Het RIVM, het Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS(Institute of Risk Assessment Sciences)) en de GGD(Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst) hebben dit onderzoek gedaan. De opdracht hiervoor kwam van het Regionaal Meetnet lucht & geluid Zuidoost-Brabant.
There is a demand for more knowledge about the effect of livestock farming on air quality. Specifically, this concerns the daily, monthly and seasonal changes in the concentration of pollutants in the air around livestock farms. To find out more, several knowledge organisations have investigated these changes in various locations in south-east Brabant, using a variety of methods. This particular study consisted of measuring the air quality on the farmyard of a livestock farm in Hulsel and on the property of people living nearby. Both the average air quality and peaks in the concentration of pollutants in the air were measured. The results were compared with the air quality in a location in a municipality with many (Deurne) and few livestock farms (Heeze). No effect of the livestock farm in Hulsel on the air quality on the property of people living nearby was found. It is likely that the livestock farm has some effect, but this could not be distinguished from the effect of other sources in the immediate surroundings and further away. Consequently, no general conclusions can be inferred from these measurements conducted on and around a single livestock farm. The study carried out in Hulsel also looked at how people living nearby perceived their living environment. Because only a small number of people took part, no firm conclusions can be drawn on the basis of their perceptions. The participants indicated that they mostly perceived their health and living environment as good. Several local people reported regular incidences of odour nuisance from stables and noise nuisance from road traffic. However, they reported little ‘severe nuisance’. Although the measured concentrations of ammonia were low, they were enough to cause the presence of more fine particles in the air. A large amount of fine particles in the air increases the risk of heart, lung and vascular disease. It is impossible to say whether the amount of fine particles in the measurement area exceeds the guideline value of the World Health Organization for air quality. The study was of insufficient duration for this, as measurements for this purpose need to be conducted for at least a year. Furthermore, the amount of endotoxins (small pieces of bacterial cell wall) in the air was measured in the aforementioned locations in the municipalities with many and few livestock farms. Endotoxins may also lead to respiratory symptoms. The concentrations in both locations were below the guideline value of the Health Council of the Netherlands. This study was carried out by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS) and the Municipal Public Health Services. It was commissioned by the Regional Air Quality & Noise Monitoring Network for south-east Brabant.
There is a demand for more knowledge about the effect of livestock farming on air quality. Specifically, this concerns the daily, monthly and seasonal changes in the concentration of pollutants in the air around livestock farms. To find out more, several knowledge organisations have investigated these changes in various locations in south-east Brabant, using a variety of methods. This particular study consisted of measuring the air quality on the farmyard of a livestock farm in Hulsel and on the property of people living nearby. Both the average air quality and peaks in the concentration of pollutants in the air were measured. The results were compared with the air quality in a location in a municipality with many (Deurne) and few livestock farms (Heeze). No effect of the livestock farm in Hulsel on the air quality on the property of people living nearby was found. It is likely that the livestock farm has some effect, but this could not be distinguished from the effect of other sources in the immediate surroundings and further away. Consequently, no general conclusions can be inferred from these measurements conducted on and around a single livestock farm. The study carried out in Hulsel also looked at how people living nearby perceived their living environment. Because only a small number of people took part, no firm conclusions can be drawn on the basis of their perceptions. The participants indicated that they mostly perceived their health and living environment as good. Several local people reported regular incidences of odour nuisance from stables and noise nuisance from road traffic. However, they reported little ‘severe nuisance’. Although the measured concentrations of ammonia were low, they were enough to cause the presence of more fine particles in the air. A large amount of fine particles in the air increases the risk of heart, lung and vascular disease. It is impossible to say whether the amount of fine particles in the measurement area exceeds the guideline value of the World Health Organization for air quality. The study was of insufficient duration for this, as measurements for this purpose need to be conducted for at least a year. Furthermore, the amount of endotoxins (small pieces of bacterial cell wall) in the air was measured in the aforementioned locations in the municipalities with many and few livestock farms. Endotoxins may also lead to respiratory symptoms. The concentrations in both locations were below the guideline value of the Health Council of the Netherlands. This study was carried out by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS) and the Municipal Public Health Services. It was commissioned by the Regional Air Quality & Noise Monitoring Network for south-east Brabant.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM