Bacteriological detection of Salmonella in the presence of competitive micro-organisms
Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Bacteriological detection of Salmonella in the
presence of competitive micro-organisms
Translated Title
Bacteriologische detectie van Salmonella in de
aanwezigheid van competitieve micro organismen
Published in
Het Communautair Referentie Laboratorium voor
Salmonella heeft het vijfde bacteriologisch ringonderzoek georganiseerd met
als deelnemers de Nationale Referentie Laboratoria for Salmonella
(NRLs-Salmonella) van de EU lidstaten. Het ringonderzoek had twee doelen:
1) Evaluatie van de resultaten van de detectie van verschillende
besmettingsniveaus van Salmonella Enteritidis (100 en 500 kve) en Salmonella
Typhimurium (10 en 100 kve) in de aanwezigheid van competitieve flora tussen
en binnen de NRLs-Salmonella.; en 2) Evaluatie van MSRV als selectief
ophopingsmedium in vergelijking met het standaard medium RV. De methode die
gebruikt werd was een aangepaste ISO 6579 (voorgestelde referentie) en
eventueel de eigen media van de deelnemende laboratoria voor detectie van
Salmonella in feces. Significant meer positieve resultaten werden verkregen
met de STM100 capsules in vergelijking met de STM10, SE100 en SE500
capsules. Het niveau van detectie van de SE100 capsules was tevens
significant lager dan de detectie van STM10 en SE500 capsules. Significant
meer positieve isolaties werden verkregen met MSRV in vergelijking met RV.
Ook tussen laboratoria werden significante verschillen gevonden. Het
gebruik van MSRV leidde tot significant meer positieve resultaten bij de
natuurlijk besmette monsters die S. Enteritidis bevatten in vergelijking met
het gebruik van RV.
A fifth bacteriological collaborative study organised by the Community Reference Laboratory for Salmonella had as participants the National Reference Laboratories for Salmonella (NRLs-Salmonella) of the EU Member States. The objectives were: 1) To evaluate the results of the detection of different contamination levels of Salmonella Enteritidis (100 and 500 cfp) and Salmonella Typhimurium (10 and 100 cfp) in the presence of competitive micro-organisms among and within the NRLs-Salmonella, and 2) To evaluate MSRV as selective enrichment medium compared to RV, used as the selective enrichment medium in the standard method. An adapted ISO 6579 (proposed reference) method was used in combination with MSRV and, optionally, the laboratory's own routine method for the detection of Salmonella in chicken faeces. Significantly more positive isolations were obtained with the STM100 capsules than with the STM10, SE100 and SE500 capsules. The number of positive isolations from the SE100 capsules was also significantly lower than the number of positive isolations from the STM10 and SE500 capsules. Significantly more positive isolations were obtained using MSRV compared to using RV. Significant differences were also found between laboratories. When compared with RV, the use of MSRV led to significantly more positive isolations from the naturally contaminated samples containing S. Enteritidis.
A fifth bacteriological collaborative study organised by the Community Reference Laboratory for Salmonella had as participants the National Reference Laboratories for Salmonella (NRLs-Salmonella) of the EU Member States. The objectives were: 1) To evaluate the results of the detection of different contamination levels of Salmonella Enteritidis (100 and 500 cfp) and Salmonella Typhimurium (10 and 100 cfp) in the presence of competitive micro-organisms among and within the NRLs-Salmonella, and 2) To evaluate MSRV as selective enrichment medium compared to RV, used as the selective enrichment medium in the standard method. An adapted ISO 6579 (proposed reference) method was used in combination with MSRV and, optionally, the laboratory's own routine method for the detection of Salmonella in chicken faeces. Significantly more positive isolations were obtained with the STM100 capsules than with the STM10, SE100 and SE500 capsules. The number of positive isolations from the SE100 capsules was also significantly lower than the number of positive isolations from the STM10 and SE500 capsules. Significantly more positive isolations were obtained using MSRV compared to using RV. Significant differences were also found between laboratories. When compared with RV, the use of MSRV led to significantly more positive isolations from the naturally contaminated samples containing S. Enteritidis.
Directie RIVM