Vaccinatiegraad en jaarverslag Rijksvaccinatieprogramma Nederland 2018
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2019-0015
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Vaccinatiegraad en jaarverslag Rijksvaccinatieprogramma Nederland 2018
Translated Title
Immunisation coverage and annual report National Immunisation Programme in the Netherlands 2018
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In het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma (RVP) krijgen kinderen vaccinaties tegen besmettelijke ziekten. Het RIVM beschrijft elk jaar de belangrijkste gebeurtenissen op het gebied van het RVP en de ontwikkeling van de vaccinatiegraad.
Belangrijke gebeurtenissen
In 2018 hadden niet meer mensen dan normaal gesproken een ziekte waartegen via het RVP wordt ingeënt. Wel zette de stijging van het aantal mensen met meningokokkenziekte W door (103 patiënten in 2018 ten opzichte van 80 in 2017). Vanwege deze stijging is de vaccinatie tegen meningokokken C voor baby's in 2018 uitgebreid met meerdere typen. Deze meningokokken ACWY-vaccinatie wordt in 2019 ook aangeboden aan jongeren die tussen 2001 en 2005 zijn geboren (inhaalcampagne). Uit voorzorg is in 2018 een deel van de jongeren die in 2004 zijn geboren hier al voor uitgenodigd.
In 2018 is besloten om de vaccinatie tegen kinkhoest voor zwangere vrouwen op te nemen in het RVP. Deze vaccinatie wordt waarschijnlijk eind 2019 ingevoerd. Hiermee kunnen zwangere vrouwen hun baby tegen kinkhoest beschermen. Voor baby's van gevaccineerde moeders wordt het vaccinatieschema aangepast (later beginnen en één inenting minder).
Er is een einde gekomen aan de daling in het aandeel kinderen dat de vaccinaties uit het RVP krijgt. De landelijke vaccinatiegraad is hiermee nog niet terug op het oude niveau, maar is voor de meeste vaccinaties ongeveer gelijk gebleven aan het jaar ervoor. Voorlopige cijfers voor jongere kinderen laten zelfs een lichte stijging zien. De landelijke vaccinatiegraad van HPV (baarmoederhalskanker) is met 45,5 procent gelijk gebleven aan het jaar ervoor, en lijkt voor jongere meisjes ook toe te nemen. De voorlopige landelijke vaccinatiegraad van de nieuwe meningokokken ACWY-vaccinatie is hoog (87 procent).
De staatssecretaris van VWS wil 16- of 17-jarigen de kans geven om gemiste RVP-vaccinaties alsnog te halen. Hiervoor komt ongeveer een tiende van de jongens in aanmerking. Dit geldt voor ongeveer de helft van de meisjes, vooral vanwege de HPV-vaccinatie.
In the National Immunisation Programme (NIP), children receive vaccinations against infectious diseases. The RIVM annually describes the most important events within the NIP and the development of the immunisation coverage. Important events In 2018, no more people than usual had an illness against which is vaccinated in the NIP. However, the increase in the number of people with meningococcal W disease continued (103 patients in 2018 compared to 80 in 2017). Due to this increase, the vaccination against meningococcal C for babies was expanded in 2018 with several types. This meningococcal ACWY vaccination will also be offered in 2019 to adolescents born between 2001 and 2005 (catch-up campaign). As a precaution, some of the adolescents born in 2004 have already been invited for this in 2018. In 2018, it was decided to include the vaccination against pertussis for pregnant women in the NIP. This vaccination will probably be introduced at the end of 2019. This allows pregnant women to protect their baby against pertussis. For babies of vaccinated mothers the vaccination schedule is adjusted (later start and one less vaccination). Immunisation coverage The decline in the proportion of children receiving vaccinations through the NIP has come to an end. The national immunisation coverage is not yet back to the old level, but has remained roughly the same as in the previous year for most vaccinations. Provisional figures for younger children even show a slight increase. The national immunisation coverage of HPV (cervical cancer) remained at 45.5 percent the same as the year before, and also seems to be increasing for younger girls. The provisional national immunisation coverage of the new meningococcal ACWY vaccination is high (87 percent). The secretary of state of Health, Welfare and Sport wants to give 16- or 17-year-olds the opportunity to get missed RVP vaccinations. Approximately one tenth of the boys are eligible for this. This applies to about half of the girls, mainly because of the HPV vaccination.
In the National Immunisation Programme (NIP), children receive vaccinations against infectious diseases. The RIVM annually describes the most important events within the NIP and the development of the immunisation coverage. Important events In 2018, no more people than usual had an illness against which is vaccinated in the NIP. However, the increase in the number of people with meningococcal W disease continued (103 patients in 2018 compared to 80 in 2017). Due to this increase, the vaccination against meningococcal C for babies was expanded in 2018 with several types. This meningococcal ACWY vaccination will also be offered in 2019 to adolescents born between 2001 and 2005 (catch-up campaign). As a precaution, some of the adolescents born in 2004 have already been invited for this in 2018. In 2018, it was decided to include the vaccination against pertussis for pregnant women in the NIP. This vaccination will probably be introduced at the end of 2019. This allows pregnant women to protect their baby against pertussis. For babies of vaccinated mothers the vaccination schedule is adjusted (later start and one less vaccination). Immunisation coverage The decline in the proportion of children receiving vaccinations through the NIP has come to an end. The national immunisation coverage is not yet back to the old level, but has remained roughly the same as in the previous year for most vaccinations. Provisional figures for younger children even show a slight increase. The national immunisation coverage of HPV (cervical cancer) remained at 45.5 percent the same as the year before, and also seems to be increasing for younger girls. The provisional national immunisation coverage of the new meningococcal ACWY vaccination is high (87 percent). The secretary of state of Health, Welfare and Sport wants to give 16- or 17-year-olds the opportunity to get missed RVP vaccinations. Approximately one tenth of the boys are eligible for this. This applies to about half of the girls, mainly because of the HPV vaccination.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
Ministerie van VWS