Aansluiting MNP-instrumentarium bij de Vogel- en Habitatrichtlijn
Series / Report no.
RIVM Rapport 550018001
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Aansluiting MNP-instrumentarium bij de Vogel- en
Translated Title
Setting up an information system related to the
European Bird and Habitat Directives
Published in
Dit rapport beschrijft de resultaten van onderzoek naar
het opzetten van een kennissysteem voor soorten- en gebiedenbeleid voor het
Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau (MNP). Het kennissysteem richt zich met name op
de doelstellingen uit de Europese Vogel- en Habitatrichtlijn. Uitgangspunt
van een prototype van het kennissysteem is het huidige ecologische
kennissysteem van het MNP, waarin graadmeter, meetnetten en modellen een
belangrijke rol spelen. Onderzocht is of het huidige kennissysteem voldoet
voor het doen van uitspraken over de VHR, welke knelpunten er zijn en hoe
deze opgelost kunnen worden. De verbeteringen vormen in samenhang met het
al bestaande instrumentarium het eerste prototype van het kennissysteem voor
de VHR. Naast uitleg van de diverse onderdelen van het kennissysteem worden
ook voorbeelden van toepassingen van dit kennissysteem beschreven. Het
prototype kennissysteem bevat informatie over (1) waar welke doelen gelden,
(2) waar welke soorten en habitats nu voorkomen (gemeten en/of statistisch
voorspeld), (3) wat de historische trends in mate van voorkomen van deze
soorten zijn (ofwel landelijk gemiddeld of wel gebiedsspecifiek) en (4) hoe
het voorkomen van soorten afhangt van ruimte- en/of milieudruk (in beeld
gebracht door directe en/of indirecte relaties met modeluitkomsten ofwel via
berekening van toelaatbare milieu- en/of ruimtedruk -c.q. "ecologische
vereisten"- in termen van minimaal habitatoppervlakte of maximaal
toelaatbare kritische depositie). Daarnaast is een methode ontwikkeld om de
invloeden van depositie op VHR-gebieden goed in beeld te
The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP-RIVM) has started research aimed at setting up an information system to support the national policy on species and nature areas. Given the political importance, this system was to be focused on information related to the goals set in the European Bird and Habitat Directives (B.H.Ds). At present, the information system contains: 1) specific aims for all individual Dutch Natura 2000 sites protected under the B.H.Ds, 2) spatial information on the presence of B.H.D. species and habitats, measured or derived by statistical models, 3) historical trends (national or site-specific) found in the occurrence of the species, 4) relationships between the occurrence of species and environmental stress or lack of space. The system is based on current ecological instruments used by MNP-RIVM: available monitoring networks, ecological and environmental modelling tools, and ecological indicators. The instruments to evaluate B.H.D. goals were examined for suitability: bottlenecks and their solutions were then identified. The definition of goals for the EU directives related to "favourable conservation status" and the "significance of effects" are still under discussion and thus not yet operational. Until operation, the information system will focus on the occurrence and distribution of the species and habitats under concern as indicated in a recent document of the European Commission, since the decline of these will have to be avoided. The improved tools, together with the current instruments, will form a new information system. Potential applications of such information system are also presented in this report.
The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP-RIVM) has started research aimed at setting up an information system to support the national policy on species and nature areas. Given the political importance, this system was to be focused on information related to the goals set in the European Bird and Habitat Directives (B.H.Ds). At present, the information system contains: 1) specific aims for all individual Dutch Natura 2000 sites protected under the B.H.Ds, 2) spatial information on the presence of B.H.D. species and habitats, measured or derived by statistical models, 3) historical trends (national or site-specific) found in the occurrence of the species, 4) relationships between the occurrence of species and environmental stress or lack of space. The system is based on current ecological instruments used by MNP-RIVM: available monitoring networks, ecological and environmental modelling tools, and ecological indicators. The instruments to evaluate B.H.D. goals were examined for suitability: bottlenecks and their solutions were then identified. The definition of goals for the EU directives related to "favourable conservation status" and the "significance of effects" are still under discussion and thus not yet operational. Until operation, the information system will focus on the occurrence and distribution of the species and habitats under concern as indicated in a recent document of the European Commission, since the decline of these will have to be avoided. The improved tools, together with the current instruments, will form a new information system. Potential applications of such information system are also presented in this report.