Modellering van de risico's van blootstelling aan pathogene micro-organismen via voedsel, dieren en water. Een definitiestudie
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Research Projects
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Journal Issue
Modellering van de risico's van blootstelling aan pathogene micro-organismen via voedsel, dieren en water. Een definitiestudie
Translated Title
Modelling the risks of exposure to pathogenic micro-organisms via food, animals and water. A definition study
Published in
Het doel van deze definitiestudie is sturing van toekomstig onderzoek door de modelleringsgroep van het Microbiologisch Laboratorium voor Gezondheidsbescherming (MGB), dat deel is van het RIVM. De missiestatement van de groep is: kwantitatieve schattingen van het volksgezondheidsrisico van pathogene micro-organismen in water, voedsel en dieren. Kerntaken zijn: ontwikkelen en toepassen van wiskundige modellen; verwerven en integreren van systeemkennis en gegevens; participeren in experimenteel en observationeel onderzoek; adviseren van beleidsmakers over de effectiviteit van risicoreducerende maatregelen. Het onderzoeksgebied is onderverdeeld in vijf onderzoeksvelden: Dier, Voedsel, Water / Land, Mens en Volksgezondheid. Inhoud en verdere aanpak van deze velden wordt beschreven. Ter co6rdinatie van deze onderzoeksvelden werden afspraken gemaakt over grenzen en interacties tussen deze velden. Het modelleringswerk binnen het MGB maakt onlosmakelijk deel uit van de laboratoriumstrategie van integrale risico-bepaling, met als einddoel effectmodellering op individu- en populatieniveau. De belangrijkste modelleringsonderwerpen van het recente verleden (bacteri6le zo6nosen, protozoa en virussen in water, dosis-respons relaties en effecten op de volksgezondheid) zullen gehandhaafd worden waarbij er naar gestreefd wordt om het aantal te onderzoeken micro-organismen te beperken. Modelleringstechnieken kunnen niet a priori gekozen worden, omdat deze bepaald worden door de precieze vraagstelling en de databeschikbaarheid. Stochastische en mechanistische modellen hebben de voorkeur. De informatiebehoefte wordt beschreven per onderzoeksveld. Dit bevestigt dat modellering een informatie-intensieve activiteit is die multidisciplinair aangepakt moet worden.<br>
This definition study was set up to guide future research by the modelling group of the Microbiological Laboratory for Health Protection (MGB) at the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment in the Netherlands. The mission of the group is to make quantitative estimations of the public health risk of pathogenic micro-organisms in water, food and animals. Primary tasks are to develop and apply mathematical models, obtain and integrate system knowledge and data, participate in experimental and observational research and advise policy makers on the effectiveness of risk-reducing measures. The research was spread over five research fields: Animal, Food, Water & Land, Man and Public Health. Research fields are described, along with future approaches to them and will be coordinated on the basis of agreements on limits to and interactions between these fields. Modelling is an essential component of the overall MGB strategy of integrated risk assessment with effect modelling at individual and population level as an endpoint. The major modelling research areas of the recent past (bacterial zoonoses, protozoa and viruses in water, dose response and public health effects) will be maintained, while attempting to limit the number of micro-organisms to be investigated. Modelling techniques cannot be chosen a priori, as these will be determined by the specific research objective and data availability. Stochastic and mechanistic models are preferred. The information needs are described per research field and modelling is comfirmed as an information-intensive activity with a multidisciplinary approach.<br>
This definition study was set up to guide future research by the modelling group of the Microbiological Laboratory for Health Protection (MGB) at the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment in the Netherlands. The mission of the group is to make quantitative estimations of the public health risk of pathogenic micro-organisms in water, food and animals. Primary tasks are to develop and apply mathematical models, obtain and integrate system knowledge and data, participate in experimental and observational research and advise policy makers on the effectiveness of risk-reducing measures. The research was spread over five research fields: Animal, Food, Water & Land, Man and Public Health. Research fields are described, along with future approaches to them and will be coordinated on the basis of agreements on limits to and interactions between these fields. Modelling is an essential component of the overall MGB strategy of integrated risk assessment with effect modelling at individual and population level as an endpoint. The major modelling research areas of the recent past (bacterial zoonoses, protozoa and viruses in water, dose response and public health effects) will be maintained, while attempting to limit the number of micro-organisms to be investigated. Modelling techniques cannot be chosen a priori, as these will be determined by the specific research objective and data availability. Stochastic and mechanistic models are preferred. The information needs are described per research field and modelling is comfirmed as an information-intensive activity with a multidisciplinary approach.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM