Tuberculose in Nederland 2022
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2023-0406
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Tuberculose in Nederland 2022
Translated Title
Tuberculosis in the Netherlands in 2022
Published in
In 2022 is in Nederland bij 635 mensen de ziekte tuberculose (tbc(Tuberculose)) vastgesteld. Dit is 6 procent minder dan in 2021 (673 patiënten). Deze daling past bij de ontwikkeling van de afgelopen twintig jaar dat in Nederland steeds minder mensen tuberculose hebben.
In 2020 daalde het aantal tbc-patiënten sterker dan in de jaren ervoor. Van maart 2020 tot en met mei 2022 golden er in Nederland coronamaatregelen, zoals afstand houden of minder contact hebben met andere mensen. Waarschijnlijk kon de tbc-bacterie zich hierdoor minder makkelijk verspreiden. Een andere reden was de daling van het aantal immigranten en asielzoekers in Nederland door de wereldwijde reisbeperkingen in 2020.
Tuberculose komt vaker voor bij personen die niet in Nederland zijn geboren; in 2022 was dat bij 4 van de 5 zieken het geval. De meesten kwamen uit Eritrea (70), gevolgd door Marokko (59) en Somalië (36). In Afrika en Azië komt tuberculose veel voor.
De infectieziekte tuberculose wordt veroorzaakt door een bacterie en kan besmettelijk zijn. Van de 635 tbc-patiënten in 2022 had meer dan 60 procent tuberculose in de longen, de overige patiënten hadden tuberculose buiten de longen. Een kwart van alle patiënten had de besmettelijkste vorm (open tuberculose).
Als een persoon wel besmet is met de bacterie maar (nog) geen tuberculose heeft, dan wordt dat een tuberculose-infectie genoemd. Door een tuberculose-infectie vroeg op te sporen kunnen mensen worden behandeld voordat ze ziek worden. Dit zorgt ervoor dat minder mensen tuberculose krijgen. In 2022 zijn er (naast de 635 personen die ziek waren) bijna 1200 personen met een tuberculose-infectie gemeld. Ruim een kwart is gevonden door bron- en
contactonderzoek in de omgeving van een tbc-patiënt. Een derde werd opgespoord door nieuwkomers te testen uit landen waar tuberculose veel voorkomt.
Het RIVM rapporteert elk jaar de cijfers over tuberculose en tuberculose-infectie om te zien welke effecten maatregelen hebben om tuberculose in Nederland terug te dringen. Deze maatregelen staan beschreven in het Nationaal plan tuberculosebestrijding 2021-2025.
In 2022, 635 tuberculosis (TB) patients were notified in the Netherlands. This is six per cent fewer than in 2021, when there were 673 patients. This decline is consistent with the downward trend in TB cases in the Netherlands over the past 20 years. In 2020 patient numbers fell more sharply than in the years prior. Between March 2020 and May 2022, coronavirus measures including social distancing and less contact with others were in effect in the Netherlands. This most likely mitigated the spread of the TB bacterium. Another mitigating factor was the decline in the number of immigrants and asylum seekers who came to the Netherlands in 2020 as a result of global travel restrictions. TB is more prevalent among those not born in the Netherlands. In 2022, this was the case for four out of every five patients. Most patients were born in Eritrea (70), followed by Morocco (59) and Somalia (36). TB is widespread in Africa and Asia. TB is an infectious and potentially contagious disease caused by a bacterium. Of the 635 patients who had TB in 2022, more than 60 per cent had pulmonary TB and the remaining patients had extrapulmonary TB. A quarter of all patients had the most contagious type (open TB). People who have become infected with the bacterium but have not developed TB (yet) are said to have contracted a TB infection. Early detection of TB infections makes it possible for these people to be treated before they become ill. This, in turn, prevents the TB from spreading to other people. In addition to the 635 people who became ill in 2022, almost 1,200 people were reported to have contracted a TB infection. More than a quarter of these people was traced using source and contact tracing among those known to have been in close contact with a TB patient. A third were traced by testing new arrivals from countries were TB is widespread. RIVM reports the number of TB cases and TB infections each year in order to monitor the effect of measures to reduce the incidence of TB in the Netherlands. These measures are described in the National Tuberculosis Control Plan 2021–2025.
In 2022, 635 tuberculosis (TB) patients were notified in the Netherlands. This is six per cent fewer than in 2021, when there were 673 patients. This decline is consistent with the downward trend in TB cases in the Netherlands over the past 20 years. In 2020 patient numbers fell more sharply than in the years prior. Between March 2020 and May 2022, coronavirus measures including social distancing and less contact with others were in effect in the Netherlands. This most likely mitigated the spread of the TB bacterium. Another mitigating factor was the decline in the number of immigrants and asylum seekers who came to the Netherlands in 2020 as a result of global travel restrictions. TB is more prevalent among those not born in the Netherlands. In 2022, this was the case for four out of every five patients. Most patients were born in Eritrea (70), followed by Morocco (59) and Somalia (36). TB is widespread in Africa and Asia. TB is an infectious and potentially contagious disease caused by a bacterium. Of the 635 patients who had TB in 2022, more than 60 per cent had pulmonary TB and the remaining patients had extrapulmonary TB. A quarter of all patients had the most contagious type (open TB). People who have become infected with the bacterium but have not developed TB (yet) are said to have contracted a TB infection. Early detection of TB infections makes it possible for these people to be treated before they become ill. This, in turn, prevents the TB from spreading to other people. In addition to the 635 people who became ill in 2022, almost 1,200 people were reported to have contracted a TB infection. More than a quarter of these people was traced using source and contact tracing among those known to have been in close contact with a TB patient. A third were traced by testing new arrivals from countries were TB is widespread. RIVM reports the number of TB cases and TB infections each year in order to monitor the effect of measures to reduce the incidence of TB in the Netherlands. These measures are described in the National Tuberculosis Control Plan 2021–2025.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM