Onderzoek naar het voorkomen van ochratoxine A in mengvoeders en granen ; monsters getrokken in Nederland in 1995
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Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Onderzoek naar het voorkomen van ochratoxine A in
mengvoeders en granen ; monsters getrokken in Nederland in
Translated Title
Investigations on the occurrence of ochratoxin A
in animal feeding-stuffs and cereals ; samples drawn in the Netherlands in
Published in
In 1995 werd onderzoek verricht naar het voorkomen van
ochratoxine A in granen bestemd voor menselijke consumptie en in diverse
typen mengvoeders en granen bestemd voor dierlijke consumptie. De
betreffende partijen waren bestemd voor de Nederlandse markt. De monsters
voor menselijke consumptie waren binnenlandse granen en importgranen
afkomstig van een grote leverancier voor bakkerijgrondstoffen. In een van
de 31 monsters werd ochratoxine A aangetroffen. Dit monster had een gehalte
van 8,7 mug/kg. De monsters voor diervoeding waren over het gehele land
genomen en bestonden uit diverse typen mengvoeders voor slachtkuikens of
mestvarkens en granen (binnenlandse en importgranen). In 5 van de 20
monsters veevoer voor slachtkuikens (25%) en in 7 van de 49 monsters
mengvoer voor mestvarkens (14%) was ochratoxine A aantoonbaar (>1,0 mug/kg).
De maximum gehalten bedroegen 3,9 resp. 4,1 mug/kg. De monsters
voeder-granen bestonden uit diverse binnenlandse granen en importgranen. In
4 van de 20 onderzochte monsters voeder-granen (20%) en in 2 van de 6
monsters importgranen (33%) was ochratoxine A aantoonbaar (>1,0 mug/kg).
Het hoogste gehalte werd aangetroffen in een monster binnenlandse tarwe (65
mug/kg). De resultaten geven geen reden tot zorg. Met het oog op
voorgestelde regelgeving voor ochratoxine A in granen binnen de EU is het
wellicht toch verstandig de besmetting van mengvoeders en granen met
ochratoxine A de komende jaren te blijven volgen.
In 1995 investigations were carried out on the occurrence of ochratoxin A in grain for human consumption and in various types of fodder and grain for animal consumption. The sampled lots were intended for the Netherlands market. The samples tested originating from lots for human consumption comprised domestic and imported grains from a large commercial supplier of raw materials for the bakery industry. Ochratoxin A was found to occur at a concentration of 8,7 mug/kg in 1 of the 31 samples under investigation. The samples for animal consumption, drawn from all over the country consisted of several types of mixed fodder for poultry or pigs, and grains (domestic and imported). Five of the 20 samples of mixed-fodder for poultry (25%) and 7 of the 49 samples of mixed fodder for pigs (14%) were found positive (>1,0 mug/kg) ; the highest levels were 3,9 mug/kg and 4,1 mug/kg, respectively. The samples of cereals consisted of domestic and imported grains. Ochratoxin A (>1,0 mug/kg) was identified in 4 of the 20 samples from domestic grains (20%) and in 2 of the 6 samples originating from import grains (33%). However, the highest concentration of ochratoxin A (65 mug/kg) was found in a sample of domestic grains (wheat) for fodder. The results do not give reasons for concern. Nevertheless it might be wise to continue monitoring the contamination of fodder and grains with ochratoxin A in the coming years, in view of the proposed regulations in the European Union.
In 1995 investigations were carried out on the occurrence of ochratoxin A in grain for human consumption and in various types of fodder and grain for animal consumption. The sampled lots were intended for the Netherlands market. The samples tested originating from lots for human consumption comprised domestic and imported grains from a large commercial supplier of raw materials for the bakery industry. Ochratoxin A was found to occur at a concentration of 8,7 mug/kg in 1 of the 31 samples under investigation. The samples for animal consumption, drawn from all over the country consisted of several types of mixed fodder for poultry or pigs, and grains (domestic and imported). Five of the 20 samples of mixed-fodder for poultry (25%) and 7 of the 49 samples of mixed fodder for pigs (14%) were found positive (>1,0 mug/kg) ; the highest levels were 3,9 mug/kg and 4,1 mug/kg, respectively. The samples of cereals consisted of domestic and imported grains. Ochratoxin A (>1,0 mug/kg) was identified in 4 of the 20 samples from domestic grains (20%) and in 2 of the 6 samples originating from import grains (33%). However, the highest concentration of ochratoxin A (65 mug/kg) was found in a sample of domestic grains (wheat) for fodder. The results do not give reasons for concern. Nevertheless it might be wise to continue monitoring the contamination of fodder and grains with ochratoxin A in the coming years, in view of the proposed regulations in the European Union.