Actualisatie AERIUS Calculator en Monitor 2022
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Actualisatie AERIUS Calculator en Monitor 2022
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Update to AERIUS Calculator and Monitor 2022
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Het RIVM berekent en volgt hoeveel stikstof er in de Nederlandse Natura 2000-gebieden neerkomt. Het rekeninstrument AERIUS maakt deze informatie toegankelijk. Met AERIUS Calculator berekenen overheden en initiatiefnemers van projecten hoeveel stikstof deze uitstoten en hoeveel ervan neerslaat in Nederlandse Natura 2000-gebieden. AERIUS Monitor geeft overheden inzicht in de actuele en verwachte stikstofneerslag in deze gebieden. Ook geeft het de mate waarin de natuur erdoor wordt belast aan.
Calculator en Monitor ondersteunen de toestemmingverlening en de ontwikkeling van beleid. De berekeningen en inzichten moeten zo precies en actueel mogelijk zijn zodat deze informatie bruikbaar is om de juiste beslissingen op te baseren. Regelmatig komen nieuwe gegevens over de uitstoot en verspreiding van stikstof beschikbaar. Het RIVM verwerkt elk jaar deze nieuwste gegevens en inzichten in AERIUS. In dit rapport beschrijft het RIVM wat in AERIUS is geactualiseerd en wat dat betekent voor de uitkomsten in Calculator en Monitor.
Dit keer zijn onder andere de zogeheten emissiefactoren, achtergrondconcentraties en het landgebruik geactualiseerd. AERIUS Calculator gebruikt deze gegevens om te bepalen hoeveel stikstof door (bedrijfs)activiteiten wordt uitgestoten en in de natuurgebieden neerslaat (depositie). Daarnaast heeft het RIVM in Calculator de methode om de depositie door wegverkeer te bepalen verbeterd. Verder zijn de gegevens over de stikstofgevoelige natuur in de Natura 2000-gebieden geactualiseerd (de habitatkaart en doelstellingen). Door deze aanpassing veranderen de locaties waar AERIUS Calculator standaard rekent.
Het RIVM maakt elk jaar depositiekaarten op basis van de laatste gegevens over de uitstoot van stikstof en metingen. Deze kaarten bepalen in AERIUS Calculator de plekken die al (bijna) zijn overbelast door stikstof. Dit heeft invloed op de vergunningverlening. In deze kaarten worden elk jaar onder andere de effecten van de ontwikkelingen in de sectoren, zoals veranderingen in het aantal dieren, en het beleid in binnen- en buitenland verwerkt. Daardoor verandert de berekende stikstofdepositie. Ook zijn de kaarten veranderd door aanpassingen in de achtergrondgegevens, bijvoorbeeld over het landgebruik. De nieuwe kaarten zijn beschikbaar in AERIUS Monitor.
RIVM calculates and monitors the amount of nitrogen that is deposited at the Dutch Natura 2000 sites. The calculation tool AERIUS makes this information accessible. AERIUS Calculator allows local and regional authorities and project organisers to calculate how much nitrogen is emitted by new economic activities and how much of this is deposited at Dutch Natura 2000 sites. AERIUS Monitor gives local and regional authorities insight into current and expected nitrogen depositions at these sites. It also indicates the extent to which nature is affected by these depositions. Calculator and Monitor both support permit licencing and the development of policy. The calculations and insights must be as precise and up to date as possible, so that policymakers and authorities can use this information to make the right decisions. New data on the emission and distribution of nitrogen are made available regularly. RIVM processes these latest data and insights in AERIUS every year. In this report, RIVM describes the updates it has made to AERIUS and what this means for the results in Calculator and Monitor. The data that have been updated this time include emission factors, background concentrations and land use maps. AERIUS Calculator uses these data to determine how much nitrogen is emitted by economic and other activities and how much of this precipitates at Natura 2000 sites (depositions). In addition, RIVM has improved the method for determining depositions by road traffic in Calculator. The data on nitrogen-sensitive nature at Natura 2000 sites (habitat map and objectives) have also been updated. As a result of this update, the locations where AERIUS Calculator performs default calculations have changed. Every year, RIVM produces deposition maps based on the latest data on nitrogen emissions and measurements. In AERIUS Calculator, these maps determine the locations that are almost or completely overloaded by nitrogen, which affects licensing. The maps are updated annually with the effects of developments at the sites, such as changes in the number of animals, and of policy at home and abroad. This affects the calculated nitrogen deposition. The maps have also changed because of updates to background data, for example on land use. The new maps are available in AERIUS Monitor.
RIVM calculates and monitors the amount of nitrogen that is deposited at the Dutch Natura 2000 sites. The calculation tool AERIUS makes this information accessible. AERIUS Calculator allows local and regional authorities and project organisers to calculate how much nitrogen is emitted by new economic activities and how much of this is deposited at Dutch Natura 2000 sites. AERIUS Monitor gives local and regional authorities insight into current and expected nitrogen depositions at these sites. It also indicates the extent to which nature is affected by these depositions. Calculator and Monitor both support permit licencing and the development of policy. The calculations and insights must be as precise and up to date as possible, so that policymakers and authorities can use this information to make the right decisions. New data on the emission and distribution of nitrogen are made available regularly. RIVM processes these latest data and insights in AERIUS every year. In this report, RIVM describes the updates it has made to AERIUS and what this means for the results in Calculator and Monitor. The data that have been updated this time include emission factors, background concentrations and land use maps. AERIUS Calculator uses these data to determine how much nitrogen is emitted by economic and other activities and how much of this precipitates at Natura 2000 sites (depositions). In addition, RIVM has improved the method for determining depositions by road traffic in Calculator. The data on nitrogen-sensitive nature at Natura 2000 sites (habitat map and objectives) have also been updated. As a result of this update, the locations where AERIUS Calculator performs default calculations have changed. Every year, RIVM produces deposition maps based on the latest data on nitrogen emissions and measurements. In AERIUS Calculator, these maps determine the locations that are almost or completely overloaded by nitrogen, which affects licensing. The maps are updated annually with the effects of developments at the sites, such as changes in the number of animals, and of policy at home and abroad. This affects the calculated nitrogen deposition. The maps have also changed because of updates to background data, for example on land use. The new maps are available in AERIUS Monitor.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM