Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Estimation methods for bioaccumulation in risk
assessment of organic chemicals
Translated Title
Schattingsmethoden voor bioaccumulatie in
risicoanalyse van organische stoffen
Published in
Methodes voor het inschatten van bioaccumulatie van
organische stoffen worden ge-evalueerd. Deze studie is beperkt tot drie
typen organismen: vis, wormen en planten (bladgewassen, wortelgewassen en
gras). We stellen een simpel mechanistisch model voor dat goed presteert
t.o.v. gemeten waarden. Om de dynamiek van bioaccumulatie te evalueren is
een simpel een-compartimentsmodel geselecteerd en geparametriseerd. Voor
specifieke fysisch-chemische eigenschappen zal de concentratie in het
organisme langzaam reageren op veranderingen in de milieuconcentraties. Dit
heeft in het algemeen geen invloed op de schatting van lange termijn
gemiddelde concentraties die relevant zijn voor
The methodology for estimating bioaccumulation of organic chemicals is evaluated. This study is limited to three types of organisms: fish, earthworms and plants (leaf crops, root crops and grass). We propose a simple mechanistic model for estimating BCFs which performs well against measured data. To evaluate the dynamics of bioaccumulation, simple one-compartment models are selected and parameterised. For specific chemical properties, the concentration in the organism reacts slowly to changes in the environmental concentration. This does not generally affect the estimation of long-term average concentrations which are relevant for risk assessment.
The methodology for estimating bioaccumulation of organic chemicals is evaluated. This study is limited to three types of organisms: fish, earthworms and plants (leaf crops, root crops and grass). We propose a simple mechanistic model for estimating BCFs which performs well against measured data. To evaluate the dynamics of bioaccumulation, simple one-compartment models are selected and parameterised. For specific chemical properties, the concentration in the organism reacts slowly to changes in the environmental concentration. This does not generally affect the estimation of long-term average concentrations which are relevant for risk assessment.