Monitoring of radiation in the environment in the Netherlands. Results in 2001
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Organizational Units
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This report presents the results of radioactivity measurements in the Dutch environment in 2001. The measurements were carried out by RIVM, RIZA, RIKZ and Inspectorate for Health Protection and Veterinary Public Health. Radioactivity measurements were carried out on airborne particles, deposition, surface water, seawater, drinking water and food (honey, powdered milk, game, poultry, blueberry and chanterelle). Results for ambient dose equivalent rates were obtained from the National Radioactivity Monitoring Network. No measurements were performed on milk. The levels of radioactivity in the Dutch environment were not elevated in 2001.
Dit rapport presenteert de resultaten van radioactiviteitsmetingen in het Nederlandse milieu in 2001 uitgevoerd door RIVM, RIZA, RIKZ en Keuringsdienst van Waren. Radioactiviteitsmetingen zijn uitgevoerd in luchtstof, depositie, oppervlaktewater, zeewater, drinkwater en voedsel (honing, melkpoeder, wild, gevogelte, bosbes en cantharel). Omgevingsdosisequivalenttempi werden verkregen van het Nationale Meetnet Radioactiviteit. Er zijn geen metingen verricht aan melk. In 2001 werden er geen verhoogde hoeveelheden radioactiviteit gevonden in het Nederlandse milieu.