Combined exposure to nitrate and nitrite via food and drinking water in The Netherlands
Series / Report no.
RIVM report 2020-0003
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Combined exposure to nitrate and nitrite via food and drinking water in The Netherlands
Translated Title
Gecombineerde blootstelling aan nitraat en nitriet via voedsel en drinkwater in Nederland
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Mensen krijgen nitraat en nitriet binnen via voedsel en via drinkwater. Deze stoffen komen van nature voor in groente en fruit. Drinkwater kan met deze stoffen zijn vervuild. Ook mogen nitraat en nitriet als conserveermiddel worden toegevoegd aan vleesproducten en kaas.
Nitraat kan het in het lichaam deels worden omgezet in nitriet. Nitriet kan schadelijk zijn voor de gezondheid. Daarom moet de hoeveelheid nitraat die we binnenkrijgen, worden opgeteld bij die van nitriet. Dit heet een gecombineerde inname.
RIVM heeft voor het eerst deze gecombineerde inname geschat voor de Nederlandse bevolking. Deze schatting wijst er op dat de gecombineerde inname van nitraat en nitriet hoger is dan gewenst. Er zijn echter niet genoeg gegevens beschikbaar om vast te stellen hoe hoog deze inname precies is.
Mensen krijgen vooral nitraat en nitriet binnen via groente (het meest via bladgroenten) en fruit. Groente en fruit bevatten veel goede stoffen. Het effect van de goede stoffen op de gezondheid is groter dan de mogelijk slechte effecten van nitriet. Er is daarom geen reden om minder groente en fruit te eten.
Om een betere berekening te kunnen maken, moeten er meer gegevens komen voor nitraat en/of nitriet in groente en fruit. En ook voor nitraat en nitriet in vlees waaraan deze stoffen niet zijn toegevoegd maar van nature aanwezig zijn. Daarnaast is het belangrijk meer te weten over de mate waarin nitraat in het lichaam wordt omgezet wordt naar nitriet.
Er zijn mogelijkheden om de inname van nitraat en nitriet zo laag mogelijk te houden: het zo laag mogelijk houden van het nitraatgehalte in drinkwater en drinkwaterbronnen en het verlagen van de toegestane hoeveelheden van deze stoffen als conserveermiddel.
People ingest nitrate and nitrite via food and drinking water. These substances occur naturally in fruit and vegetables and drinking water can become polluted with them. Nitrate and nitrite may, furthermore, be added to meat products and cheese as preservatives. In the human body, nitrate can be partially converted into nitrite, which can be harmful to human health. This is why the quantity of nitrate ingested has to be added to the nitrite ingested to produce the 'combined intake'. RIVM has estimated this combined intake for the Dutch population for the first time. This estimate indicates that the combined intake of nitrate and nitrite may be higher than desirable, but there is insufficient data available to be able to ascertain exactly how high it is. People primarily ingest nitrate and nitrite via vegetables (mostly leaf vegetables) and fruits. Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of healthy substances and the positive effect of these substances on health is greater than the potentially harmful effects of nitrite, so there is no reason to eat less vegetables and fruits. To be able to make better calculations, more data is needed on nitrate and/or nitrite in vegetables and fruits. And on nitrate and nitrite that occur naturally in meat rather than being added artificially. It is, moreover, important to know more about the degree to which nitrate in the human body is converted into nitrite. There are options to keep the intake of nitrate and nitrite as low as possible: to keep the nitrate concentrations in drinking water and drinking water sources as low as possible, and to reduce the maximum permitted levels of these substances as preservatives.
People ingest nitrate and nitrite via food and drinking water. These substances occur naturally in fruit and vegetables and drinking water can become polluted with them. Nitrate and nitrite may, furthermore, be added to meat products and cheese as preservatives. In the human body, nitrate can be partially converted into nitrite, which can be harmful to human health. This is why the quantity of nitrate ingested has to be added to the nitrite ingested to produce the 'combined intake'. RIVM has estimated this combined intake for the Dutch population for the first time. This estimate indicates that the combined intake of nitrate and nitrite may be higher than desirable, but there is insufficient data available to be able to ascertain exactly how high it is. People primarily ingest nitrate and nitrite via vegetables (mostly leaf vegetables) and fruits. Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of healthy substances and the positive effect of these substances on health is greater than the potentially harmful effects of nitrite, so there is no reason to eat less vegetables and fruits. To be able to make better calculations, more data is needed on nitrate and/or nitrite in vegetables and fruits. And on nitrate and nitrite that occur naturally in meat rather than being added artificially. It is, moreover, important to know more about the degree to which nitrate in the human body is converted into nitrite. There are options to keep the intake of nitrate and nitrite as low as possible: to keep the nitrate concentrations in drinking water and drinking water sources as low as possible, and to reduce the maximum permitted levels of these substances as preservatives.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM)
Ministerie van VWS