Options for emission control in European legislation in response to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 601300003
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Options for emission control in European legislation in response to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive
Translated Title
Mogelijkheden in de Europese wetgeving voor het nemen van emissie-reducerende maatregelen zoals die geeist worden door de Kaderrichtlijn Water
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De praktische uitvoerbaarheid van de Kaderrichtlijn Water kan verbeterd worden. Er zouden bijvoorbeeld meer expliciete verbanden gelegd kunnen worden tussen de Kaderrichtlijn en overige Europese wetgeving. Er is op dit moment namelijk geen overzicht van de mogelijkheden die Europese wetgeving biedt voor het nemen van emissiereducerende maatregelen. Daarom is er een selectie gemaakt van Europese wetgeving die daarvoor van belang kan zijn. Er wordt aanbevolen een Europese handreiking te ontwikkelen met verwijzingen naar wetgeving die ingezet kan worden voor het nemen van maatregelen. Lidstaten kunnen zo beter aan hun Europese verplichtingen voor de Kaderrichtlijn Water voldoen. Het ontwikkelen van nieuwe of aanpassen van bestaande wetgeving kan leiden tot specifieke maatregelen. Voor een actieve rol daarin is inzicht in de achtergrond van de verschillende betrokken partijen essentieel.
European legislation was summarised and then evaluated for its usefulness in carrying out measures required under the Water Framework Directive. This directive refers to a limited number of relevant directives and regulations, and further, to 'any other relevant Community legislation'. To prevent similar work being carried out in various member states, development of a guidance document is recommended. This should describe which European directives and regulations would be useful in supporting the implementation of the required pollution reduction measures. Member states willing to play a role in getting measures implemented can contribute at various stages in the process of developing the new legislation; however, knowledge on the background of the various players in the field will be indispensable here.
European legislation was summarised and then evaluated for its usefulness in carrying out measures required under the Water Framework Directive. This directive refers to a limited number of relevant directives and regulations, and further, to 'any other relevant Community legislation'. To prevent similar work being carried out in various member states, development of a guidance document is recommended. This should describe which European directives and regulations would be useful in supporting the implementation of the required pollution reduction measures. Member states willing to play a role in getting measures implemented can contribute at various stages in the process of developing the new legislation; however, knowledge on the background of the various players in the field will be indispensable here.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM