In situ biorestauratie van een met olie verontreinigde bodem: Resultaten van het onderzoek in ongestoorde grondkolommen
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Research Projects
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Journal Issue
In situ biorestauratie van een met olie verontreinigde bodem: Resultaten van het onderzoek in ongestoorde grondkolommen
Translated Title
In situ bioremediation of an oil-polluted subsoil: Results of the experiments in undisturbed columns
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In het kader van het onderzoeksproject "in situ biorestauratie van een met olie verontreinigde bodem" zijn kolomexperimenten uitgevoerd. De experimenten werden uitgevoerd om de mogelijkheid na te gaan met behulp van micro-organismen de bodem te reinigen zonder dat de grond hiervoor afgegraven wordt. De experimenten zijn uitgevoerd in zes ongestoorde grondkolommen, die gestoken zijn op een met benzine verontreinigde lokatie te Asten (Noord-Brabant). Door aan de kolommen verschillende nutrienten toe te voeren, is onderzocht welke omstandigheden de activiteit van de micro-organismen gunstig beinvloeden. Uit de resultaten is gebleken dat de benzinecomponenten via uitspoeling en door microbiele omzettingen uit de bodem kunnen verdwijnen, afhankelijk van de toevoegingen. De grond is het eerst gereinigd waar het percolatiewater de kolom binnentreedt. Vrijwel alle toegevoerde zuurstof werd in de kolommen gebruikt ; er vonden aerobe omzettingen plaats. Bij kolom 5, waaraan nitraat toegevoegd was, bleef een grote hoeveelheid stikstof achter in de kolom. Waarschijnlijk vonden in deze kolom ten gevolge van de nitraatdosering ook omzettingen plaats onder anaerobe omstandigheden. Het is niet duidelijk of dit ook in de andere kolommen opgetreden is. Bij de kolommen 3 en 4, waaraan peroxyde gedoseerd was, zijn de laagste gehaltes aan minerale olie teruggevonden bij de ontmanteling. Toch is bij kolom 5 de grootste hoeveelheid benzine verdwenen. Het is echter niet bekend of dit veroorzaakt is door de anaerobe omzettingen tijdens de eerste fase van de experimenten of door recirculatie tijdens de tweede fase. Ook bij kolom 6, waarbij alleen het effluent gerecirculeerd is, zijn goede resultaten geboekt. Bij alle kolommen, met uitzondering van kolom 1, zijn onderin de kolom gehaltes aan individuele componenten gevonden beneden de detectiegrens. Alleen bij kolom 4 is dit ook bovenin de kolom gevonden. De beste resultaten werden verkregen in de kolommen waaraan peroxyde gedoseerd werd of waarbij het effluentwater gerecirculeerd werd. Echter kan niet met zekerheid gesteld worden dat de streefwaarden overal gehaald zouden kunnen worden. Uit het onderzoek is gebleken dat in situ biorestauratie een veel belovende techniek is voor de sanering van bodemverontreinigingen met olieprodukten. Verdere ontwikkeling van deze techniek door middel van een praktijksanering is aan te bevelen.<br>
Column experiments were carried out for the project "in situ bioremediation of an oil-polluted subsoil". The experiments were aimed at examining the possibility of remediating soil in situ with the help of microorganisms. The six undisturbed columns were filled at a location contaminated with petrol in Asten (the province of North Brabant). Different nutrients were applied to the columns to examine the effect on the activity of the microorganisms. From the results the petrol components can be shown to be eliminated from the soil by leaching and degradation carried out by microorganisms, the relative importance of the process depending on the additions. The columns were cleaned, first where the percolation water enters the column. Almost all the oxygen supplied was used in the columns. Aerobic conversions are concluded to have taken place. In column 5 a large amount of nitrogen was used in the column. Probably conversions under anaerobic conditions took place in this column due to the nitrate supply. It is not clear if this took place in the other columns. The lowest residues of petrol components were found in columns 3 and 4, in which hydrogen peroxide was supplied. Nevertheless, the largest amount of petrol was dissipated in column 5. Whether this is caused by anaerobic conversions during the first phase of the experiments or by recirculation during the second phase is not known. Good results were achieved in column 6, in which only the effluent was recirculated. The residues of petrol components in the lower part of the columns were below the detection limit in all columns, except column 1. Only in column 4 was this also found in the upper part. The best results were achieved in the columns in which hydrogen peroxide was supplied and in the columns where the effluent water was recirculated. Since the operation time in columns 4 and 5 was the longest, the results in these columns were better by comparison than columns 3 and 6, respectively. It is not certain, however, that the Dutch target values will be met in all columns. The research shows in situ bioremediation to be a promising technique for the remediation of soil with oil compounds. Further development of this technique through large-scale bioremediation is recommended.<br>
Column experiments were carried out for the project "in situ bioremediation of an oil-polluted subsoil". The experiments were aimed at examining the possibility of remediating soil in situ with the help of microorganisms. The six undisturbed columns were filled at a location contaminated with petrol in Asten (the province of North Brabant). Different nutrients were applied to the columns to examine the effect on the activity of the microorganisms. From the results the petrol components can be shown to be eliminated from the soil by leaching and degradation carried out by microorganisms, the relative importance of the process depending on the additions. The columns were cleaned, first where the percolation water enters the column. Almost all the oxygen supplied was used in the columns. Aerobic conversions are concluded to have taken place. In column 5 a large amount of nitrogen was used in the column. Probably conversions under anaerobic conditions took place in this column due to the nitrate supply. It is not clear if this took place in the other columns. The lowest residues of petrol components were found in columns 3 and 4, in which hydrogen peroxide was supplied. Nevertheless, the largest amount of petrol was dissipated in column 5. Whether this is caused by anaerobic conversions during the first phase of the experiments or by recirculation during the second phase is not known. Good results were achieved in column 6, in which only the effluent was recirculated. The residues of petrol components in the lower part of the columns were below the detection limit in all columns, except column 1. Only in column 4 was this also found in the upper part. The best results were achieved in the columns in which hydrogen peroxide was supplied and in the columns where the effluent water was recirculated. Since the operation time in columns 4 and 5 was the longest, the results in these columns were better by comparison than columns 3 and 6, respectively. It is not certain, however, that the Dutch target values will be met in all columns. The research shows in situ bioremediation to be a promising technique for the remediation of soil with oil compounds. Further development of this technique through large-scale bioremediation is recommended.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM