Annoyance and sleep disturbance due to vibrations from trains. Results from the Follow-Up Study 'Wonen langs het spoor' ('Living along the railway line')
Series / Report no.
: RIVM rapport 2024-0052
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Annoyance and sleep disturbance due to vibrations from trains. Results from the Follow-Up Study 'Wonen langs het spoor' ('Living along the railway line')
Translated Title
Hinder en slaapverstoring door trillingen van treinen. Resultaten van de Vervolgmeting "Wonen langs het spoor"
Published in
In 2021 had ongeveer 11 procent van de Nederlanders van 16 jaar en ouder die binnen 300 meter afstand van het spoor wonen, ernstige hinder van trillingen door treinen. Het gaat naar schatting om 126.500 mensen. Zij hebben last van irritatie, boosheid en onbehagen. 's Nachts kunnen deze trillingen hun slaap ernstig verstoren (13 procent). Vooral de trillingen van goederentreinen veroorzaken hinder en slaapverstoring. Gebieden in de buurt van tunnels, spoorbruggen en sporen die naast elkaar liggen, zijn in deze schatting niet meegenomen. Dit blijkt uit een vragenlijstonderzoek onder ruim 5600 mensen. In het onderzoeksgebied wonen ongeveer ruim 1,1 miljoen mensen, verdeeld over ongeveer 533.000 woningen. Verder rapporteren mensen die aan hogere trillingsniveaus blootstaan of dichter bij het spoor wonen, vaker ernstige hinder door trillingen van goederentreinen. Dit verband tussen trillingsniveaus, afstand en ervaren hinder is veel minder duidelijk voor reizigerstreinen. Naast de trillingen hebben sociale en persoonlijke factoren invloed op de mate waarin mensen hinder ervaren of in hun slaap worden gestoord. Mensen zijn vooral bezorgd dat de waarde van de woning daalt door de trillingen of dat deze schade aan de woning veroorzaken. Hun beleving wordt ook beïnvloed als zij ramen, deuren of serviesgoed horen, voelen of zien trillen ("rattle"). Daarnaast is de mate waarin zij accepteren dat treinen trillingen veroorzaken van invloed, en welke verwachtingen zij voor de toekomst over de trillingen hebben. Het RIVM beveelt daarom aan bij toekomstig beleid over trillingen door treinen met sociale en persoonlijke factoren rekening te houden. Voor geluid van treinverkeer bestaat wetgeving, voor trillingen door treinen niet of nauwelijks. De resultaten van dit onderzoek geven hier input voor. Deze rapportage is een vertaling van het rapport "Hinder en slaapverstoring door trillingen van treinen. Resultaten van de Vervolgmeting 'Wonen langs het spoor'". Het is een onderzoek dat is uitgevoerd in opdracht van het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat (IenW). Het is een vervolg op een onderzoek uit 2013 en bevestigt veel van de eerdere resultaten. Voor het nieuwe onderzoek is een model gebruikt dat beter de blootstelling aan trillingen kan inschatten.
In 2021, around 11% of people in the Netherlands aged 16 and over who lived within 300 metres of a railway line experienced high annoyance due to vibrations from railway traffic. This amounts to an estimated 126,500 people. Furthermore, 13% experienced high sleep disturbance due to such vibrations. The annoyance and sleep disturbance were mainly due to vibrations from passing freight trains. Areas in the vicinity of tunnels, railway bridges and parallel tracks were excluded from this estimation. The above describes the outcomes of a survey among more than 5,600 people. The survey area has a total population of over 1.1 million, who live in approximately 533,000 houses. In addition, people who are exposed to higher levels of vibrations or live closer to a railway line are more likely to report high annoyance due to vibrations from freight trains. The association between vibration levels, distance and annoyance is much less pronounced for passenger trains. In addition to the vibrations, there are social and personal factors that affect the extent to which people experience annoyance or sleep disturbance. An important factor is concern about property devaluation or property damage. Other factors that influence peoples' experience include hearing, feeling or seeing windows, doors or crockery ('rattle'). The extent to which people accept that trains cause vibrations and the expectations that they have about future vibration levels also play a role. RIVM therefore recommends that in future, policy regarding vibrations caused by trains, social and personal factors be taken into account. While there are several laws that regulate noise from trains, there are few, if any, when it comes to vibrations from trains. The outcomes of this study may serve as input for legislation in this area. This report is a translation of the RIVM-report "Hinder en slaapverstoring door trillingen van treinen. Resultaten van de Vervolgmeting 'Wonen langs het spoor'". This study was commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. It follows up on a survey from 2013 and has confirmed many of the earlier outcomes. The latest survey was based on a model that is better able to predict exposure to vibrations.
In 2021, around 11% of people in the Netherlands aged 16 and over who lived within 300 metres of a railway line experienced high annoyance due to vibrations from railway traffic. This amounts to an estimated 126,500 people. Furthermore, 13% experienced high sleep disturbance due to such vibrations. The annoyance and sleep disturbance were mainly due to vibrations from passing freight trains. Areas in the vicinity of tunnels, railway bridges and parallel tracks were excluded from this estimation. The above describes the outcomes of a survey among more than 5,600 people. The survey area has a total population of over 1.1 million, who live in approximately 533,000 houses. In addition, people who are exposed to higher levels of vibrations or live closer to a railway line are more likely to report high annoyance due to vibrations from freight trains. The association between vibration levels, distance and annoyance is much less pronounced for passenger trains. In addition to the vibrations, there are social and personal factors that affect the extent to which people experience annoyance or sleep disturbance. An important factor is concern about property devaluation or property damage. Other factors that influence peoples' experience include hearing, feeling or seeing windows, doors or crockery ('rattle'). The extent to which people accept that trains cause vibrations and the expectations that they have about future vibration levels also play a role. RIVM therefore recommends that in future, policy regarding vibrations caused by trains, social and personal factors be taken into account. While there are several laws that regulate noise from trains, there are few, if any, when it comes to vibrations from trains. The outcomes of this study may serve as input for legislation in this area. This report is a translation of the RIVM-report "Hinder en slaapverstoring door trillingen van treinen. Resultaten van de Vervolgmeting 'Wonen langs het spoor'". This study was commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. It follows up on a survey from 2013 and has confirmed many of the earlier outcomes. The latest survey was based on a model that is better able to predict exposure to vibrations.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM